Robin Arryn’s Glow-Up Was The Plot Twist We Never Saw Coming On ‘Game Of Thrones’
OK, we all know we’ll be talking about the Game of Thrones finale for the foreseeable future for MANY different reasons. But right now we’re here to talk about the one plot twist we never saw coming.
For this, you need to cast your mind back a few seasons to Lord Robbin Arryn, aka ‘Sweetrobin’, son of Lysa Arryn, who was the sister of Catelyn Stark. Blah blah blah. Dramatic family ties. Death. Etc.
If you’re struggling to remember Robin, there’s one thing that may just jog your memory…
Yep, he was the one that was being breastfed.
I’m sure there was more to his story but that’s not really the point because this is pretty much all we remember him for.
Oh, and also the time Sansa just straight-up slapped him down.

Anyway. The actual point of this story is Robin Arryn made an appearance in the final ever episode of Game of Thrones and he’s bloody gone and done a Neville Longbottom on us.
Sansa slapped him into puberty.
And with emotions at an all-time high during the finale episode, viewers still had time to note that our boy Robin has given us the surprising glow-up that even Bran didn’t see coming.
Here are some of the funniest tweets about Robin Arryn’s Game of Thrones appearance.
OH so that’s what the breast milk did for robin #gameofthrones pic.twitter.com/gRAQzGP1th
— deanne mistry (@deannemistry) May 20, 2019
Yeah, introducing solids really improved Robin Arryn.
— Nicole Cliffe (@Nicole_Cliffe) May 20, 2019
Robin Arryn: a glowup #GameOfThrones pic.twitter.com/WQ3uyV2KZc
— Bettina Cecilia (@bcdgonzalez) May 20, 2019
Robin went from “I suck on my mom’s titty” to “I’ll suck ya girl’s titty” #GameOfThrones pic.twitter.com/6rgLCVFfaS
— Chello (@chellovate) May 20, 2019
Don’t you sit there all cocky Robin Arryn, like we don’t all remember your eating habits. #GameofThrones #TheFinalEpisode pic.twitter.com/w97py3BLkW
— lauren marie (@laurenmarie87) May 20, 2019
Robin Arryn straight up longbottomed us #GameOfThrones pic.twitter.com/hhFQYGq5Ir
— coopaloop (@mcoops_) May 20, 2019
The #GameOfThrones finale had its fair share of surprises, but NO ONE expected tiddy milk Robin Arynn to come out looking like a snack pic.twitter.com/mhJl576YUC
— Julia Diekmeier (@juliadiekmeier) May 20, 2019
Robin Arryn out here wearing his moms titty shirt #GameOfThrones pic.twitter.com/fhGJJjPKcd
— Katie Liller (@KatieLiller) May 20, 2019
The plot twist of the #GameOfThrones finale is realizing that I’d answer Robin Arryn’s 2am “u up?” texts pic.twitter.com/xfD7HAVEvb
— Jackie Fisher (@JacFishTweets) May 20, 2019
puberty hit robin arryn like a ton of king's landing bricks pic.twitter.com/XzmkPz09UH— Trevor (@trevorbcoleman) May 20, 2019
Well, if there’s one lesson we can take from this season…
the main theme of Game of Thrones finally became clear in the finale: the importance of breastfeeding to grow up big and strong pic.twitter.com/axazLAnW58
— Andrew Bridgman (@bridgmandrew) May 20, 2019