12 Times Uni Students Were Relatable AF

La Trobe University is in the top 100 modern universities worldwide.
University is like the shining light at the end of the long, draining tunnel that is high school. Starting a degree is like walking into a whole new world, and it’s wild.
They’re not lying when they say that your uni days are likely to be the best time in your life. Uni life is a rollercoaster of good times and trials and tribulations that make the good times feel even sweeter. All up, it’s quite a ride.

The fun cocktail of pressure, freedom and friendship that is uni lyf makes students the most hilarious among us, so we’re throwing it over to them to serve up some truth bombs.

We’ve rounded up the times when uni students were relatable and funny as all hell. Dive in and please enjoy.
#1 Uni life = being constantly sleep-deprived.
While you’ll probably blame your sleepiness on studying, we all know it’s usually the university social scene that’s eating up the lion’s share of your energy. So sometimes you’ve gotta get crafty to make the most of it all.
#2 It’s all about the journey of self-discovery.
Don’t fret about the destination, you’ll get there.
For all you fellow college students who are about to have finals from wholesomememes
#3 What happens on the computer screen, stays on the computer screen.
Two things you learn at uni: how to multitask, and how to network with other students… kind of.
From front on, you’re listening to your professor, but from behind the laptops everyone in the class knows that there’s a whole other world of internet to be preoccupied by. If you’re going to indulge in a Family Guy marathon, be generous with your content like this helpful student. Sharing is caring.
Education is vital pic.twitter.com/ZPxh0rEmyr
— Leagan (lay-gan) (@leagalicious) May 15, 2017
#4 Honesty is key.
Reaching out to your professors about where your head’s at is way more helpful than playing it cool. Even if you come off a little more dramatic than planned, just go with it.
I emailed my professor and meant to say “I am worried I don’t understand some material on our next test” BUT I ACCIDENTALLY SENT THIS HELPME pic.twitter.com/iPrv5KwQD8
— Arson Carson (@CBMSt1) November 1, 2017

#5 Early classes will turn you into a morning person whether you like it or not.
You’ll be surprised at how much you can get done when you get out of bed before 8am, it’s a whole new world of productivity. But you’ll probably need coffee, energy drinks…anything to train your brain to get perked up and ready for class at that ungodly hour amirite?

#6 Uni inspires creativity you never knew you had.
This calculator artwork is a true masterpiece.
Today in calculus a kid in my class spent the whole period plotting points on his calculator to draw my teacher???? pic.twitter.com/1WCcBWFnFT
— Zach Krone (@zachkrone18) October 3, 2017

#7 This is where you learn the true meaning of teamwork.
Group work can be a damn beautiful thing that brings people together for the greater good.
I'm pretty sure they don't even know each other #FinalsWeek pic.twitter.com/CW02z2ndBc
— StrandMan (@rogerstrand97) May 8, 2017
#8 Making uni friends be like
“Girl Next To Me In Accounting” will probably end up being your best mate. This is how stage one works.

#9 Just because you’re at uni doesn’t mean you need to spend alllll your time studying.
You would actually be surprised at how much time there is for other activities and interests around your uni schedule, whether your family believes you or not.
if this doesn't sum up my uni experience so far pic.twitter.com/bXLILkWOaA
— bark your meg off, dog (@meghanjade_) October 16, 2016

#10 Getting to an essay word count is a testament to your true genius.
You would be surprised (and impressed) at the ingenuity of a student who needs to hit a word count but has sparsely anything to say. It is truly a talent.
When you're writing an essay and trying to hit that 500 word count. pic.twitter.com/ydZ2hzlPrq
— DEAN (@deanfluence) August 11, 2015
#11 This is where you learn all the wisdom you need to get by in life.
Uni 101 = hello life hacks.

#12 Doing a learn is a damn beautiful thing.
Having time and space purely to learn new and interesting things honestly feels really really good.

(Lead image: NBC)
La Trobe University. All kinds of clever for you.