“Guy With Tuba On His Head” Is Our New Fave Photoshop Battle
We love us a good photoshop battle and it looks like the internet has found some fresh meat to play with: Tuba man.
The source image is this, and tbh, it’s pretty glorious on its own…
Things only get more interesting from here…
After Reddit got around the pic the guy-with-tuba-on-his-head was, of course, repurposed into many different situations. They’re mostly battles and battlefields, where he seems to fit absurdly well. Emphasis on the ‘absurd’.
At first, people stuck to the Dark Souls universe, as was suggested by the OG poster and Tuba star.
We hope that Tuba armour is sturdy

Here he is again going for a spicy glam aesthetic

Then he started showing up pretty much everywhere

Old mate looks stylish as hell.


Use the force my brassy friend.

You shall not pass. (*Hooooooonk*)

So far, this is still the fave…
