This ‘Farm Museum’ Started Making Fire Memes And Everyone’s Going Crazy For Their Thiccboi Livestock Content
The viral attention that the UK’s ‘Museum of English Rural Life’ has received on Twitter since it shook up its social media presence and started making thicc memes just goes to show you how valuable it is to hire funny people. Also memes. Memes are important.
Our latest and greatest meme lord is the legend who has been put in charge of the museum’s social media activity. While a museum and archive devoted to the rich history of farming in the English countryside may not immediately seem like the kind of crowd who are across meme culture, that assumption has been proved very wrong.
The museum’s Twitter account has gone viral after they started posting some wonderful thiccboi content in relation to the very large farm animals in their archives. Like this:
This is the ideal male body. You may not like it, but this is what peak peformance looks like. pic.twitter.com/jy5Wb3dMdM
— The Museum of English Rural Units (@TheMERL) April 7, 2018
And THIS big boi. Man oh MAN did the audience love THIS big boi.
look at this absolute unit. pic.twitter.com/LzcQ4x0q38
— The Museum of English Rural Units (@TheMERL) April 9, 2018
Realising they had tapped into a thirsty market for thicc animal content, the museum account leaned right in, even renaming their account to ‘The Museum of English Rural Units’.
Should we now become an account that just tweets thick and fat animal photos and paintings
— The Museum of English Rural Units (@TheMERL) April 9, 2018
The meme content has been a delight
If you then
don't you dont
love deserve Me Me
at my at my pic.twitter.com/qnNfWSIC01— ☪️ ישוע شهريار ✡️ (@JShahryar) April 9, 2018
And MERL has even offered to use their expertise to rate any units you might need evaluated.
Everyone please send us in your units by freepost or Twitter or just bring them along, we have a garden https://t.co/PVxn7lJoKQ
— The Museum of English Rural Units (@TheMERL) April 10, 2018
The genius behind the content is 27-year-old digital project manager Adam Koszary. It’s good to hear that the museum’s new strategy has been as much a hit with his boss as with the public.
Our curator has this to say pic.twitter.com/cPM8hgpEhT
— The Museum of English Rural Units (@TheMERL) April 10, 2018
The viral popularity is kinda tricky to explain to the big bosses apparently.
us explaining to the Board how our thicc boi went viral pic.twitter.com/OyEtVatWCU
— The Museum of English Rural Units (@TheMERL) April 10, 2018
MERL is now ready to bless other museums with their tips and tricks on How 2 Go Viral because they are generous souls.
Welcome all other museum social media accounts, welcome to our #masterclass on using a thicc boi to change your public image in a freak event which will be difficult to replicate but let's try anyway and oversaturate the meme market and make the public despair of us
— The Museum of English Rural Units (@TheMERL) April 11, 2018
Sign us THE FUCK up.
When you’re being led to slaughter but are killing it in your #lbd pic.twitter.com/uT74yb1XWS
— The Museum of English Rural Units (@TheMERL) April 12, 2018