Aussie Dude Checks In One Can Of Beer On Board Melbourne Flight & Becomes A Legend
In probz the most Aussie news to happen this year, some dude has checked in a single can of beer on a flight out of Melbourne.
The legend in question goes by the name Dean and while at Melbourne Airport on Saturday preparing to board a Qantas flight, he casually handed over one can of Emu Export lager as his check-in luggage.
He documented the whole thing too. Here’s the lonely beer getting ready for its journey:

Via UniLad
The ground staff had no issue with the add-on and loaded the can onto the plane, along with the rest of Dean’s luggage. He told UniLad his inspo for the bold move was because his friend worked at the airport.
“One of my mates works at the airport and he and I were wondering what I could check as luggage and get away with,” Dean said.
“Honestly the thought of a single can of export making its way down the baggage carousel was too good to pass up so I thought I’d give it a whirl.”
And a whirl, he did give. But he did have a bit of liquid courage stored up. “The planning stages may have definitely had a few cold ones cracked but the execution was done sober,” he said.
As Dean touched down after his flight he was unsure his lil lager m8 would be there to welcome him. But sure enough, he was greeted on the baggage reclaim by his ol’ buddy.
Here she comes:
“I was right up the back end of the plane, so I rocked up to the baggage carousel late. There was no luggage out yet but everyone was milling around and had their phones out so I was pretty sure I knew what was going on.
“Sure enough there she was, alone on the carousel proudly making her way around. And there I was in my flanno and RMs to greet her. It was perfection.”
But the most important question was: had the airport staffers cracked it open for a cheeky sample? Luckily she was good as new.
“I half expected to find it empty, but if it didn’t turn up I’d have filed a lost luggage report.”
Wouldn’t we all.

Header & source via UniLad.