YAAS: As Of Today The Cheez TV FB Page Will Start To Playing Old Episodes Every Single Weekday
It’s been 11 years since Cheez TV last aired, but the show is back… well sort of. Announced via their FB page yesterday, as of today the beloved morning program will start sharing old episodes EVERY SINGLE WEEKDAY.
We really missed the random antics of hosts Ryan Lappin and Jade Gatt, and can’t wait to relive it all.
Oh, the nostalgia.
After the Cheez TV FB page suddenly popped up months back, we have been eagerly waiting for their next move.
The wait is over and the team will be uploading every single episode, with help from their friend, Brendan Dando, who is co-host of The Simpsons podcast ‘Four Finger Discount’. The boys told Pile Rats that Dando “has been converting them all to DVD and putting them in order”. So we can watch it all chronologically.
The big comeback came after the archived tapes of the show were found by Lappin in his garden. It’s a blessing to us all.

At least we don’t have to wake up at the crack of dawn, just to sample early morning TV’s finest, kicking back to cartoons X-Men, Spider-Man: The Animated Series, Dragonball Z and Pokemon.