WTF: Kylie Jenner’s Instagram Goes A Step Too Far In Her Worst P’Shop Job Yet
I love ya Kylies, but this is just soooo bad.
Kylie Jenner has amassed a ever-growing army of fans, and her Instagram page with a following of over 90 million is a powerful platform.
Her uber-glam ‘Gram posts offer a finely edited snapshot of the life she wants to share. Sure, we all filter/edit our photos, and have the power to alter our bodies as we see fit, but King Kylie has maybe gone a step too far with the below image.
It’s pretty damn obvious that this pic doesn’t look right. If the glimpse of her tiny barbie-like waist (when in proportion to her hips) wasn’t enough of a hint, the image appears to have been digitally altered as the wall behind Kylie is warped.
One follower posted: “unreal beauty expectations: the door frame is askew because of photoshop to make her waist tiny af”.
This week, Kylie’s sister Kim’s unaltered bum pics have been making the rounds, attached to a stream of gross AF comments on the reality star’s body. Like Kim, Kylie has every right to control how the media sees her. But the 19-year-old lip kit kween is also part of a larger problem, by projecting a body image to young women that’s impossible to attain.