Someone With Too Much Time Has Created A Virtual Endless Jake Gyllen-Hall
The internet wins again. Some crazed genius has created a dedication to handsome AF actor Jake Gyllenhaal. The Nightcrawler star has had images of his face plastered across the walls of a virtual hall, with a pun-tastic title: The Gyllenhall.
The website has the viewers heading down an endless virtual Gyllenhall, which is soundtracked by Gyllenhaal’s Brokeback Mountain muchly memed line, “I wish I knew how to quit you”. Because…it’s impossible to quit The Gyllenhall. It’s so freakin’ mesmerising.

The website is the creation of Paul Feldmann and Zack Johnson. Who know what’s next for the pun-lovers? Maybe images of Nick Cave covering the inside of hollowed cliff or Elijah Wood’s face posted on trees as far as your eyes can see. There’s so many options.
Check out The Gyllenhall for yourself here. It’s a thing of beauty.