13 Breakup Horror Stories That Will Make You Think Love Is Dead
Breakups absolutely suuuuuuck. There’s no doubt about it.
Not to sound dramatic, but sometimes it’s more fun to repeatedly poke yourself in the eye with hot needles than go through another tumultuous breakup.
And sometimes, despite months or years together, your ex can go out of their way to be an absolute jackass and you are left wondering how tf you even spent that much time and wasted love on one person.
We asked people to share the worst ways they’ve been broken up with and, oh boy, there are some real doozies in here.

1. The Europe trip from hell
“I flew to Europe to visit my girlfriend for a month. She broke up with me on the third day.” – Jules
2. The trip from hell 2.0
“My ex broke up with me at the end of what I thought was a lovely holiday together overseas. I’d even told him I loved him during the holiday. The worst part was, he broke it off the day before he flew back home. I still had 4 or 5 days by myself. Overseas. To wallow. By myself. Arse.” – Anon
3. The funeral hook up
“One guy told me not to come to his father’s funeral because his grief was too intense to be in a relationship. I later learned he hooked up with his ex-GF at the funeral.” – Rachael
4. The knife collector
“A guy showed me his knife collection while breaking up with me. Then I found out he was cheating on me… with a stripper.” – Anon
5. The not-so-good visit
“I went and spent the weekend meeting his family which I thought went really well, then he called me and dumped me when I got off the train home.” – Patrick
6. The horrible timing
“First ever girlfriend broke up with me over the phone from New Zealand a few days after my mother was diagnosed with cancer.” – Tara
7. The Facebook message
“I was in an almost five-year relationship with my ex. We went out for brunch one day in the morning, and then he went home and I went off to do some shopping. About 45 minutes after we went our separate ways he sent me a message on Facebook saying “it’s time for us to break up” then refused to take my call because he didn’t want to hear me cry. I got the message when I was on the train an hour away from my house.” – Anon
8. The coded breakup
“He sent me a whole page email in binary code at 3am basically saying ‘it’s not you, it’s me’.” – derridalicious
9. The cheapskate
“He left me a note on the couch after years together. Turns out he was having multiple affairs and he didn’t pay rent for 18 months, nor any bills. He was meant to be re-investing in his small business. The bill for the rent and bills was $64K.” – Anon
10. The late admission
“My first boyfriend dumped me midway through backpacking around Europe after 1.5 years dating (we were 24 and 26 respectively). Two years later I get an email from him revealing he had a heroin addiction and cheated on me just before the trip. Bullet dodged, I guess?” – Anita
11. The bad liar
“I caught my (then) partner in a rather compromising situation with a (then) friend of mine and after she left the house, he pretended like nothing had happened but said, “he couldn’t do this (the relationship) anymore because he could no longer give me “100%”. Well obviously. I saw that with my own eyes.” – Anon
12. And the web of lies
“We’d been together almost two years, but weren’t exactly in a “healthy” relationship. A few months earlier she had attempted to fake being pregnant, which lead to a whole heap of drama (such as giving her a pregnancy test to take and her telling me it was broken as she put it in the bin). We were staying together mostly out of habit and we just kept keeping on. I worked out she was cheating on me, so decided to end it that week. Due to uni and work we didn’t see each other for a few days and then I went to my best mates place to hang out, and he greets me with a ‘hey man, sorry to hear about you and *insert name here* breaking up.’ She had messaged him telling him we had broken up. So I just rolled with it, hands down the easiest breakup ever. I didn’t speak to her for a few months and found out later she was engaged to the guy she was cheating on me with.” – Anon
13. The really subtle way out
“A guy I was hooking up with once let me know he wasn’t interested anymore by pashing a friend of mine in front of me.” – Anon

Wow. BRB, I need to call my therapist.