We Searched The Internet For ‘Weird Furniture’ And Were Not Disappointed
People have all sorts of different tastes in furniture. While some preferences in interior decor are far superior to others, some of us need to take a good hard look at themselves and re-evaluate their life choices entirely.
While gallivanting around the interwebs this arvo (it’s an especially slow news day), one thing led to another and we found ourselves Googling ‘weird’ and ‘unique’ designer furniture. It was right about then that we stumbled down into a dark and weird place.
Real people are making, buying and selling these legit pieces of ‘luxury’ designer furniture and for the most part, we’re scared, confused and have lost what little faith we had left in humanity. It’s cooked.
Why not invite some m8s around to sit on your gore chair:
What the actual heck? Someone actually made this.

Or just kick back on this garbage
~ so Dereliqué ~

When you really don’t want to make small talk over dinner
Perfect for that insignificant other you live with.

Tfw you just need to take some moment out of your day by retracting into your very own giant skull.
When you need to get out of your own head, hop in this one.

Surely this table is just taking the piss

This baby couch is not okay.
Someone plz call Human Services ASAP.

Maybe just like.. ahh… sit on a chair?

Well, this is scary. Or sexy. Depending on what you’re into I guess…
Probs a bit awkward when your parents visit.

Break in case of emergency

Mosquito’s….really? No one likes mosquitos

This one just seems to defy all practicality for the sake of poor design
It looks shit and offers 0 tangible product benifit.

Cowhide rugs are one thing – but this – well… this is a whole new level of nope
Yeah naaaaa. Have fun tripping on that.

I can sorta see the practical benefits of lying on this lush giant egg-rug and watching a movie.
But no.

Cuz kids just bloody love carrots don’t they!!!1!1!!..
Hot tip: no kid wants this in their room.

I guess you could seat your enemies on this sharpened pencil throne
But actually, why make this?

Bright idea
That light is waaay to low to offer any benefit.

This is actually suave AF
…If you lived in a 70’s inspired porno 24/7.

This would only look good in Jafar’s pad on Aladdin
Jafar would 100% get around this.

WTAF this is just terrifying. Nobody thinks this looks good right?

Oh dear… Not cool

Like taking a ride on a magic carpet ride

Waaaay too creepy

Whatever floats your boat.

Guessing the dude who owns this bed is still single
And probably overcompensating for something.

At least we can get around this innovative luxury
We’ll sit on that.