WATCH: The Trans Movement Has Its ‘I Have A Dream’ Moment, Against North Carolina Discrimination
We recently reported over the last month regarding the archaic, bigoted and royally fucked up HB2 legislation passed in North Carolina, which prohibits transgender and gender fluid people using their own genders bathroom and change rooms, instead being forced to choose according to their sex at birth.
In addition to this, the state has simultaneously stopped cities from passing anti-discrimination ordinances to protect LGBT people, in effect legalising LGBT discrimination in the workplace, housing or public accommodation.
This has resulted in countless performances and appearances by musicians, artists, productions, writers and film sets being halted in North Carolina- to protest such discriminatory measures.
Since the law was passed, the Department of Justice has notified the state that its measure violates federal civil rights laws, resulting in North Carolina filing a lawsuit against the agency. However on Monday, the DOJ clapped back, filing a suit against the state for infringing on trans residents’ federal civil rights.
Loretta Lynch from DOJ took the spotlight to explain the departments lawsuit – and her passionate speech is one of the most spine-tingling public moments in the recent history of the trans movement. Some are hailing it, including Slate, as one of the most important speeches ever delivered on the topic of trans rights by any government official.
It’s an emotive and momentous declaration of the equal rights and dignity of trans Americans – as sanctioned by the United States.
After around 2.30 minutes is where the speech really gets going. Watch below.
Header via Joshua Robert/ Reuters.