WATCH: Even Miley Cyrus Admits She Cringes Over Her Biggest Banger ‘Wrecking Ball’
Miley Cyrus’s latest track ‘Malibu’ is a clear sign that the singer’s brand is heading in a new, more chill direction. However, it’s clear she can’t escape the many skeletons left hanging in her closet. Specifically, a white singlet top, a sledgehammer and a matching pair of jocks.

In an interview on The Zach Sang Show, Cyrus played a game of ‘Marry, Eff, Kill’ with some of her past hit songs. Without a moment of hesitation, she very quickly chose to kill ‘Wrecking Ball’. The singer let slip that looking back at the controversial video for the hit is a big cringe-fest for her.
“That’s something you can’t take away, swinging around naked on a wrecking ball lives forever. Once you do that in the mass that I did, it’s forever.”
“I’m never living that down. I will always be the naked girl on a wrecking ball,” she said. “I just licked a sledgehammer. I should have thought how long that was going to have to follow me around.”
Miley even added that she hopes the song fades away, and she doesn’t have to be constantly reminded of the record. We, on the other hand, hope the memes manage to live on forever.

It seems pretty clear that she doesn’t want that to be the kind of image left as her legacy.
“That’s my worst nightmare, is that being played at my funeral,” said Cyrus. “That’s my worst nightmare … is being like, ‘We’ll always remember Miley,’ and then that,” she said.