WATCH: Joseph Gordon-Levitt Just Casually Rock Out The Drums At A Subway Station
It’s not everyday you see a suited up Joseph Gordon-Levitt just casually playing a drum solo in the middle of a subway station for no apparent reason.
So why the spontaneous performance? The actor and his brother’s multimedia online production company HitRecord, have partnered with LG Electronics on a project called ‘Everyday, Spectacular’. Gordon-Levitt explained the concept behind the campaign:
“I want to challenge musicians, singers, dancers, and performers of any kind to go into an ordinary setting, and make a spectacular moment out of that everyday situation. You can sing, dance, play around, dress up in costumes, do any kind of extraordinary activity. These performances will be recorded from the standpoint of a passerby. So in the end, we’ll have a big, vibrant, beautiful, spectacular, collaborative piece of art,” Gordon-Levitt said.
So who better to kick off the initiative then the man himself?
The weirdest thing is, no one really stops or notices that it’s fucking JOSEPH GORDON-LEVITT. Guess everyone just assumes it’s just some reg everyday busker.