WATCH: Harry Styles Weirdly Flying Through The Air In New Clip For ‘Sign Of The Times’
1D frontman / inevitably turned solo artist Harry Styles has released the official video clip for his Bowie-esk slow-burner ‘Sign Of The Times‘. The track itself has been met with praise, with an obvious and mature shift to musical awesomeness. Seriously, it’s rad.
This is the same clip which features his fking disturbing doppelganger body double flying through the air attached to a helicopter. It’s the stuff that will haunt your bloody nightmares.
Harry Styles' stunt double wearing a mask of his face will haunt your dreams pic.twitter.com/fFkxqOk3lR
— Andrew Hayden-Smith (@AndrewHaydSmith) April 6, 2017
This is what Harry Styles stunt double is pic.twitter.com/LUdal0vmMH
— Alana Marie (@0neMessyBun) April 6, 2017
Thankfully, the thing has been edited together and is way less scary. Instead, we now get the chance to see Syles soaring through the lush countryside as we’re soothed to his beautiful voice. Beautiful!