Watch This Flat Earther Launch 600m In His Homemade Rocket For “Research”

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Although infamous flat earther Mad Mike Hughes didn’t blast himself quite high enough in his homemade rocket to prove that the earth is, in fact, shaped like a frisbee, his mission is still being labelled as a success.

Seeing as though he made it 600m off the ground in his DIY contraption AND survived the fall back to earth, I think it’s fair to claim success on this one. Let’s give him that.

61-year-old Mad Mike has been attempting to launch his homemade rocket for months now but has had a few false starts due to legalities and “technical difficulties”. On Saturday afternoon in the Californian Mohave desert, we had lift off.

And damn. Mike’s steam-powered rocket, bearing the words “RESEARCH FLAT EARTH” across it, managed to blast 600 metres into the air and hit a top speed of 560km/h before…falling. Luckily Hughes had two parachutes and he made it back to the ground before leaving on a stretcher in an ambulance.

Check out Mike’s launch “success” in this vid and let’s give this guy a round of applause tbh.

After landing, Hughes told the AP ‘‘Am I glad I did it? Yeah. I guess. I’ll feel it in the morning. I won’t be able to get out of bed,’’ he said.

‘‘At least I can go home and have dinner and see my cats tonight.’’

Cheers to that.

His ultimate goal is to blast himself over 80km into Earth’s orbit to get a real good look at things and prove that the planet is flat, for real. As we learned from the Flat Earth International Conference, these flat-earthers are dead serious. Mad Mike has also expressed interest in running for governor soooooooo there’s that to look forward to as well.