WATCH: Are You Fcking Serious? Gigi Hadid’s Attacker Attempted To Kiss Kim Kardashian’s Ass
Is this guy for real? Serial dickhead Vitalii Sediuk decided to learn absolutely fuck all from the swift elbowing he received from Gigi Hadid, after he grabbed her outside a fashion show in Milan last week.
Nope, instead of reassessing his life decisions, realising that physical harassment is not an acceptable form of protest; he has decided to one-up himself by putting on a supreme display of ass-hattery literally no one was asking for.
So what did he do this time? Well, seeing as Kim Kardashian has arguably one of the most notable derierres in the entertainment industry, he attempted to plant a big ol’ kiss on it in broad daylight. Right as she was making her way into a Parisian restaurant.
Yeah… nah mate.
In a turn of events anyone could have predicted, this didn’t exactly fly with Kimmy K’s clan.
Instead of the planned booty bite (i.e. sexual assault), the only thing Sediuk’s lips were making contact with was the sweet, sweet pavement, as Kim’s bodyguard Pascal Duvier (a.k.a the real MVP) swiftly tackled him to the ground.

What’s absolutely flippin-fantastic though, is the fact that Kim has decided to file a complaint with French authorities against the sucker, and rightfully so. We’ve had enough of reading about him being all up in woman’s business.
The worst part is that this dude actually reckons what he did was to protest the Kardashians and “to popularize natural beauty among teenage girls”. Yep, sexually harassing a women is totally the way to go.
Can we just lock this guy up already? Oh wait, he’s been jailed before for attacking Brad Pitt.
Watch a play-by-play video by an onlooker below:
When a woman gets sexually harassed in public, but Twitter is joking about because it's Kim Kardashian.. disgusting pic.twitter.com/4VtYbMuZ8x
— cella (@alohacella) September 28, 2016