5 Things You’ll Love About Uni If High School Wasn’t Your Thing

Where will your Think take you?
Are you kinda um-ing and uh-ing about uni? Are you reliving the trauma that was PD/H/PE or getting your iPod stolen during drama class? Does the mere smell of a mini pizza or chicken and mayo roll make you shiver? ‘Cause I getcha.
High school is terrible, but the good news is that going to uni is exactly nothing like it. Getting a degree is a whole other thang, gurl. Here’s why.
#1 No Social Pressure
You know how successful people (and me when I’m cranky at my mate for being petty) say, “This isn’t high school”? They mean the whole social thing, not like, the homework or quadrangle. When you go to uni, you don’t have to sit in a group or go to a party or whatever if you don’t want to. There’s no such thing as the “cool group” because people from all walks of life wind up at uni, meaning you can happily kick it with a crew that’s on your wavelength.
#2 Lecturers Are Real Cool
Lecturers are like that friend you love that somehow has their life totally together. They have this air of grown-up confidence, you know? Even the boring ones are so full of the knowledge you crave so bad you just wanna hold their little heads in your hands and absorb their knowledge by osmosis (which is definitely a word that’s used in lectures, I know it).
#3 You’re In Charge Of Your Own Time
This is definitely the best bit. In high school, you gotta be there. Like, five days a week, six hours a day. In retrospect, I don’t even know how literally anyone handled it.
At uni, you can just get up take a phone call and come back in. Sick? Watch your lecture in bed. Raining? Watch your lecture in bed. Splendour in the Grass tickets on sale during your tute? Watch your lecture in bed.
What’s not to love?
#4 You Get To Study What You Want To Study
Okay, maybe this one isn’t like completely truthful (what’s up, Character Design for 2D Animation?), but you chose your degree, so you’ve gotta have some interest in the subjects you study. Your electives and majors are entirely curated by you though, meaning you’re not sitting through English or some random science class (unless you want to! Then go you!).
And, if you’re not yet sure what you’re into, that’s totally okay. Uni is where people hone their interests, so take your time and get stuck in. You might just find your calling.
#5 First Things First, It’s The Realest
You know those Shakespeare essays that you wrote every term in high school? I’m gonna go ahead and say you’re never gonna pop that on your resume or get it featured in the local paper. Everything you do at uni can be used in your career. South Park was created at uni, for example, and you could totally find the Matt Stone to your Trey Parker in your time there. You’ve just gotta believe.
(Lead image: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer)
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