It’s Been Two Years Since The World Lost Harambe & The Internet Is Remembering Our Sweet Prince
If, like me, for the last two years the world seemed a little dimmer, you laughed a little less and cried a little more, then it’s probably because of the heartwrenching memory of everyone’s sweet prince: Harambe.
If you cast your mind back to May 29, 2016, news of a toddler falling into a gorilla enclosure made international headlines. With the gorilla attempting to drag the boy, zoo keepers had to make the devastating decision to shoot the ape. To kill Harambe.
On this day in 2016, a 3-year-old boy climbed into a gorilla enclosure at the Cincinnati Zoo and was grabbed and dragged by Harambe, a 17-year-old Western lowland gorilla. Fearing for the boy's life, a zoo worker shot and killed Harambe. #RIP pic.twitter.com/W9qcDooVKN
— Norm Kelly (@norm) May 28, 2018
Public reactions mostly sided with the gorilla, and the tragic loss of life. Harambe became a symbol of all that is good, naturally transforming into a meme that will live on forever (or at least another solid 3 years).
With the two year anniversary of Harambe’s death just passing, Twitter is remembering the gorilla that was gone too soon.
Tributes are flowing in for Harambe:
Rip Harambe, gone but never forgotten pic.twitter.com/O2vEtBJWNU
— Benjamin Constuble (@thatkidben621) May 28, 2018
This day two years ago we lost an icon. We remember him and all he did for our city. RIP Harambe. pic.twitter.com/iklw4AD4Rk
— sweet potato (@PeytonVoline) May 28, 2018
Two years ago today, we lost Harambe. We won’t forget #SweetPrince pic.twitter.com/hJkZyBMh75
— Darren Rovell (@darrenrovell) May 28, 2018
This ones for you harambe pic.twitter.com/x04Yw5C3aJ
— phil (@PhilopianTubee) May 27, 2018
all of this shit is happening because we killed harambe
I miss you so much harambe— convolk (@convolk) May 28, 2018
Happy Birthday, Harmabe. From May 27, 1999, to May 28, 2016. I will never forget you. #NeverForget #Harambe pic.twitter.com/baVNHhaXx7
— Elias (@JoyconElias) May 27, 2018
We lost Harambe two years ago today. Crazy how it's already recognized as a national holiday, no school, no work today. Miss you my sweet prince #Harambe
— Jacob Tellijohn (@Jacob_Tellijohn) May 28, 2018
On this day, two years ago, our Lord and Savior Harambe has gone to the light. We all miss you, King. pic.twitter.com/rKGB72ZqgV
— Carly. (@carlykyper) May 28, 2018
R.I.P. Harambe
Lost but not forgotten..
May 27, 1999 – May 28, 2016 pic.twitter.com/eid1I3owKR— The Date Doctor (@JimStipeDateDoc) May 28, 2018
It's been two years since they took you, just know we still got them diccs out RIP HARAMBE pic.twitter.com/pgvXqWaqb5
— Marquis (@TheSauceFather) May 28, 2018
R.I.P Harambe. We love you.
Imagine this: It’s 2035 your son comes back from school. He says today in class we had to say fun facts about ourself. Some little boy said he was the kid that went into Harambe’s cage. He then asks who Harambe is. A tear rolls down your face. You never though this day would come
— Zoe Baglien (@ZoeBaglien) May 28, 2018