This Person’s Two-Minute Noodle Sandwich Sent Reddit Into A Meltdown
White bread is great for many things: Sausage sangas, fairy bread, it’s normally used to fill The Bachelorette mansion, etc..
But one Reddit user’s image of their sandwich of choice recently sent others into meltdown mode.
Introducing the white bread, cup-a-noodle sandwich:

User ‘-uOKhun-” posted this concoction a few days ago with the caption, “The only way a Pot Noodle should be eaten” and because one of life’s simple pleasures is informing another human that they’re wildly wrong about something, you better believe people didn’t hold back.
People were left a little shook:

However, others offered some alternate options or reminisced on fond memories:

There were even some disagreements when it came to technique:

Anyway, as my favourite piece of advice tends to go: You do you, boo.

Don’t know about you guys, but my dinner is sorted.