Are Michael & Isha From ‘Twentysomethings: Austin’ Still Together?
Twentysomethings: Austin is the latest Netflix reality show that’s got us hooked. Bringing eight strangers together to try to make it in the Texas cultural capital Austin, the new series is completely addictive — I finished the 12 episode in two days.
What sets this show apart from other reality shows is that’s it’s surprisingly relatable and wholesome. Four women and four men in their (you guessed it) twenties from diverse backgrounds are housed separately in twin town houses. They all hang all like you would with your housemates, and their aim is to get a job in Austin, and even try to find love, or at the very least hook up. There’s very little conflict, instead the show is driven by learning about the eight contestants: who they are, what their background is, and what do they want from life.
It’s a refreshing change of pace from most reality shows that are rooted in drama — but that doesn’t make it any less enthralling. Some highlights from the season include: Keauno Perez having his first gay kiss, Isha Punja and Michael Fractor starting their first relationship, and Natalie Cabo getting her first dick pic. As I said, relatable!
at this point i will make it my personal mission to find natalie a man cause i’m sick and fuckin tired of these goons playing with her #TwentySomethings pic.twitter.com/MyL6Kg2Pdu
— A. ? (@_adriannenicole) December 17, 2021
Speaking of Isha and Michael, these two were too adorable for words. We stan an unexpected couple and you don’t get more surprising than this fashion designer and aspiring stand-up comedian. In the early episodes, it appeared that Michael and Raquel ‘Roxy’ Daniels had more of a romantic connection, while Isha was busy flirting with Bruce Stephenson.
Then things shifted when Isha asked out Michael in front of the taco truck, and the rest was history. Michael later told Isha that he was a virgin, and neither had been in a proper relationship before. Their relationship only grew stronger as the season continued.
In one of the cutest moments ever, Michael secretly purchased one of Isha’s designs after she got a call from the boutique selling her label to tell her that since nothing was selling, her merchandise would have to be returned. And Isha’s stuff wasn’t cheap either, Michael forked out over $400 for a jacket, which meant he couldn’t afford to eat anything other than ramen.
Michael buying Isha's jacket
So sweet #TwentySomethings pic.twitter.com/iYRQl7fIGw— Mitchell (@ryanmicthell) December 17, 2021
They’re simply couple goals.
The way Michael always carries Isha’s purse in every episode. Why am I SIMPING #TwentySomethings pic.twitter.com/tKt970vUmE
— Patty Suarez ☻ (@TheBigSuarezki) December 18, 2021
Towards the end of the season, it looked like Michael and Isha were headed for heartbreak as Isha wanted to stay in Austin, while Michael was wanting to return home to Los Angeles for better work opportunities. Michael left Isha on the final day crying in the kitchen, before returning in a real The Notebook moment to tell her he had decided to stay for her. “I’m realising that a job’s a job,” said Michael. “There’s plenty of them out there, but there’s only one Isha.”
“A job is a job, but there’s only one Isha” – Michael
BRB crying #TwentySomethings pic.twitter.com/gprgS441tI— sativalatina ✨ (@ErinJ420) December 18, 2021
I’m not crying, you are!
So basically, Michael and Isha are perfection and now that the season has wrapped, we are left desperately wondering if they went the distance.
Are Michael and Isha from Twentysomethings: Austin still together?
This is a case for the FBI: Follow Both (Their) Instagrams.
Neither of them have offered any official confirmation, but as someone who speaks Instagram fluently — signs are looking good! First up, Michael and Isha follow each other on the social platform. This might not seem like a big deal, but often after breakups (especially among semi-famous folk) they will unfollow each other.
Secondly, both Michael and Isha have posted photos of each other on their ‘Grams. You’d assume that if they had a bad breakup, they wouldn’t post images of each other, as historically a tell-tale sign that a relationship has gone awry is when people practically eradicate their former partner from their grid.
Isha went one step further, captioning a gallery of loved-up images of Michael and herself with “Which Misha moment is your favourite?”
Michael left a comment on the gallery and yep, I think it speaks for itself. TMI, pal!

Isha also posted a photo of Michael’s sister wearing the jacket that he purchased in Austin, which also suggests that things are friendly between Isha and Michael’s family.

Finally, Michael posted a cute couple shot captioned “This is kinda cute,” which Isha reposted with a cuddle emoji.

I mean, if they’re not together they are definitely trying to mess with our emotions!
It’s also worth noting that according to Isha’s LinkedIn, she did not relocate to Austin like she said she intended to in the series — in fact, she is living in LA. You know, the same place that Michael had spoken about moving back to from Austin.

Whether Misha have stayed together or not, you can relive the love story by watching Twentysomethings: Austin on Netflix.