Troy & Ashley Are At Breaking Point On MAFS All Over Whether They’ll Bang Or Not
In a pleasant change, tonight’s Married At First Sight episode didn’t focus on the drama between Dean/Tracey/Davina, but rather on the building frustrations between Troy and Ashley… and… well… why they aren’t banging.
From the sounds of things, it seems like Troy tried to get some action from Ashley and was firmly denied. Fair enough, really.
With frustration brewing between both parties, Troy took Ash out for brunch with his m8s where they fought non-stop. Later in the ep, when the pair went to dinner, things reached breaking point when Ashley overheard Troy talking about their sex life to the camera. The fourth wall was breached!
“I just literally walked in on him saying something about our sex life on national TV,” Ashley said, before storming off to a nearby public toilet cubicle.
Here’s a rough outline of what went down between Ashley and Troy (who is definitely not an alien living inside human flesh).
‘So me and Ash are definitely having sex. All the time. Sex. Intercourse. Hanky Panky. All night long.’

‘What TF did you just say?!’

‘Did you just say we had sex???’

‘Fuck diss shit.’

‘Wait wait, sweetie sweet sweetie sweetums, don’t lie! We did have sex last night.’

‘No we didn’t. You gave me a massage, brushed your teeth for 5 hours and went to sleep inside a sleeping bag hung from the roof like a bat.’

‘When I gave you that massage, I gave you my special seed of love and now you will carry our child. That’s how it works, yeah?’

‘No it doesn’t. That wasn’t sex!!!!’

‘That wasn’t sex….’

It sounds like Troy is being a massive keano, and needs to give Ashley some space and respect her privacy/boundaries/consent.
Relaying the night before, Ashley said:
“You said “let’s take it into the bedroom,” I said “no”.”
Troy then said some weird words along the lines of, “Please come to me Ash. Please come to me Ashley. Let’s just move forward in this.”
Again, Troy is an alien, living inside a man and cannot speak in human sentences. The end.