Today Apple Launched The iPhone 7 With Wireless Headphones & Twitter Would Have None Of It
The launch of the highly anticipated Apple iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus has left a lot of us unconvinced.
The new models are water and dust resistant, shinier (have a “mirror-like surface”) and comes in a few new colour options, including ‘matte black’.
But the biggest difference – that to be fair we were warned to expect – is that it has NO headphone jack. Instead Apple has developed a set of wireless headphones called AirPods, but it doesn’t help that these babies will set you a solid $159 dollars when available in October. That’s until you lose them and have to fork out the same amount over and over again.
The good news is you can still use your regular headphones with the use of a dongle, but that didn’t stop the internet from losing it over the new Apple announcement, leading to the hashtag #BringBackTheJack trending.
R.I.P wired headphones, the people of Twitter are divided. Here’s some of the most hilarious reactions:
The iPhone 7 is water resistant so that your tears can run across it after you lose your headphones
— Nathan Miller (@nathan_CCMiller) September 8, 2016
The good news: You'll never have to untangle your ear buds.
The bad news: You'll never find your ear buds.— braden graeber (@hipstermermaid) September 7, 2016
RIP pic.twitter.com/x8Rgk3QipQ
— ComicBook NOW! (@ComicBookNOW) September 7, 2016
In 6 months we're gonna see a massive uptick of people who have lost the air pods inside themselves
— Gabriella Paiella (@GMPaiella) September 7, 2016
rip my guy aux cord tho
— L.A.S (@SartoriallyInc) September 7, 2016
I can't wait for the new Apple Air Bud! pic.twitter.com/uij2sOsuzV
— Josh Camire (@joshcamire) September 7, 2016
Courage. D-Day. Moon landing. Removing the headphone port.
— Jason Chen (@diskopo) September 7, 2016
When someone passes you the aux cord but you got an #iPhone7 pic.twitter.com/M8TcnbTJ6S
— 98.7 AMP RADIO (@987ampradio) September 8, 2016
Phil Schiller, you don't know courage. Harambe knew courage.
— Eli Schiff (@eli_schiff) September 7, 2016
But never forget.
So, #iPhone7 being unveiled today. Why don't @Apple just give up now and accept that perfection can never be beaten? pic.twitter.com/UsgyJtB5sn
— Jake Humphrey (@mrjakehumphrey) September 7, 2016