Three-Year-Old Toddler Found Driving On A Freeway In Toy Car
Turns out a three-year-old is now the youngest person to be caught by police driving unlicensed in Florida.
That’s right, yesterday afternoon, bystanders on a busy road were pretty shocked to see a young, nappy wearing toddler driving down the road in a motorised toy car towards a freeway on Highway 19.

It’s well known that parents have trouble getting their kids, of any age, to stay put. We truly feel sorry for this kid’s father. Imagine coming out of the bathroom, to find your child gone, the front door open – so you cycle around the neighbourhood searching desperately, and find your son surrounded by police, several cars and bystanders because your son escaped for a joyride in a motorised toy car.
By the time the father and police officers had arrived at the scene, several cars had formed a blockade around the toy car with the three year old joyrider still sitting behind the wheel.

The Sheriff’s Office spokesperson Lindsay Blair told ABC:
“The father would have found him a lot quicker if he had taken the main roads.”
According to the USA’s ABC News, the boy travelled over 450 metres from his home to reach the highway. One of the witnesses at the event covered the boy up in a blanket, as it was only 11 degrees outside. Other than maybe a bruised ego, the boy suffered no injuries, and was taken home with his father by the local police.
It’s not yet known if the adventurous, young offender will face punishment from his kindergarten.
Images via Danny Collins