8 Thoughts The Cat Trapped In The ‘Love Island’ Villa Has Probably Had
As we head into finale week and the Love Island couples relish their last days living in their Spanish villa, spare a thought for the poor stray cat that has been trapped inside with all those tanned, sweaty, bonked-up Aussies. That cat has really been through it.
The stray cat is actually named Cat Benatar, which tbh is an excellent cat name. He often swaggers around the mansion and doesn’t seem keen on being overshadowed by his bikini-wearing cast mates. The cat even has its own Spanish voiceover who is utterly charming but sassy AF.
We just know he has a bunch of thoughts and musings stored up.
The villa cat sees everything. Never forget.
Here Are 8 Thoughts The Cat Trapped In The ‘Love Island’ Villa Has Probably Had:
‘The filthy humans on this hell island have pumped out enough semen to impregnate the entire population of Tasmania.’

‘I wonder if I can retroactively block all of these people on Tinder?’

‘When will Erin allow her captive Eden to speak to another human woman?’

‘And at what stage will Grant’s captive Tayla work out he is actually a 2-year-old toddler wearing fake tattoos?’

‘MOST IMPORTANTLY. When will Millie consult her GP about these apparent “fanny flutters”? Sounds serious.’

‘I should ask Sophie when Bardot are getting back together. I’m despo for Poison Part II.’

‘I’m convinced Dom is just four small dogs stacked on top of each other and wearing a pair of Ray Bans.’

‘If you say ‘Cassidy’ into a mirror three times, will she appear crying and try to couple up with you?’