The Philippines Have Elected The First Transgender Lawmaker To Congress
This week, the people of the Philippines have elected transwoman, Geraldine Roman into congress. This is hugely important considering as this makes Roman the first transgender person elected to the Filipino congress.
Roman decided to begin her political career after returning to her home province of Balaan to take care of her sick parents. She was previously an editor for a Spanish news agency.
On becoming the first transgender women elected to congress, Roman said:
“I grew up here. People know me. (Gender) only becomes an issue when you try to keep it a secret. It’s nothing bad. I never hurt anyone in the process. I’m so happy so why should I be ashamed?”

Roman will have her work cut out for her, reforming the Philippines highly discriminatory laws relating to the LBGT community, she was in fact lucky that she officially changed her name and gender before 2001 when the Philippines passed a law, making doing so impossible for transgender people. Geraldine underwent gender reassignment surgery in the 1990s.
It doesn’t end there either. LGBT people in the Philippines have restricted access to health care and rights as couples. For instance legally, same-sex couples cannot be officially registered, nor can they be listed as families, meaning they cannot legally adopt children. This restricts their access to healthcare and public housing where families take priority.
To be elected to congress in a country where such laws are in place is nothing short of remarkable. Roman was also elected on the back of her health and infrastructure policies. She has said she aims to support an anti-discrimination bill that is currently before congress and plans to give LGBT people equal rights in the workplace, at schools and even hotels.
It’s not all good news though. As of Monday, boxer, and proud homophobe, Manny Pacquiao took one step closer to winning a seat in congress after serving in the House of Representatives in 2010. In the media however, he seems intent on becoming the worlds biggest crumb. Pacquiao has famously denounced homosexuality in interviews, once telling Philippine network Tb5:
“It’s common sense. Do you see animals mating with the same sex? Animals are better because they can distinguish male from female. If men mate with men and women mate with women, they are worse than animals.”

Yeah I know, right – Yuk.
The fact that these two highly different candidates can win seats in congress shows just how divided the deeply Christian nation is on social issues. Sounds kinda like another country…one that is a large island…kangaroos? Well you get the picture. Said country could definitely use a gem like Geraldine Roman right now.