Feel Like Pure Shit, Just Want Saj Back
The Bachelorette has just finished week two of the 2020 season, and there’s already an aching hole in my heart that I usually reserve for the dumped runner-up.
We said goodbye to six men during this week’s Bachelorette, but the light diminished from the show on Wednesday when we said goodbye to Saj Bakhsh, who we simply did not get to see enough of during his short stint on the show.
With Bachelor In Paradise not returning in 2021, there’s a big Saj-shaped hole in my heart. He exists now only in my memory.
Saj made an impression on the red carpet when he invited Becky and Elly to lay down on his rug (not a euphemism, I swear) and as they stared at the stars, he told them a really sweet story about doing the same thing with his grandma when he was growing up in Afghanistan.

With such a presence, with such an entrance, we expected to see SO much more of Saj, right? Right?!
What we did see was him dressed up as a pineapple for the Australia-themed photoshoot, and though he wasn’t overly impressed at the time, he still pulled it off.

And after that he faded into the background, never to be seen again until he was dumped on Wednesday night. “But he showed them the stars?!” you cry. I cry too. We all cry.
As I watched last night’s episode and grudgingly looked on as the white loaves of bread wakeboarded and threw each other under the bus, I couldn’t help but think of Saj.
Saj with his dapper suits:
Saj who also LOVED the outdoors, just like the girls:
Saj who clearly LOVES the country, because here he is with a horse:
Saj, who can probably play guitar, or at least he tries to!
Saj, who did a standup comedy night to overcome his fear of public speaking!
Saj was clearly too good for us, and too good for this show. We miss you, Saj.
Saj is just everything #BacheloretteAU pic.twitter.com/ZBg2c68kJy
— Shauna OC (@shaunsoc) October 7, 2020