Bachy’s Romy Has Tried To Defend That Cringeworthy Kiss W/ The Honey Badger
The Bachelor villain Romy has attempted to defend that cringe-worthy kiss/ear flossing exchange with the Honey Badger.
While I’m still trying to suppress the moment from my memory, Romy said in an interview with NW Magazine that she and Nick actually kissed in an earlier scene at the pizza shop.
“I understand how the audience saw aggression in that kiss, but it wasn’t like that,” she said.”We had a really good time. We did actually kiss, but whether or not that was shown in fullness…”
Some viewers found the exchange so confronting that they questioned whether Nick was giving enthusiastic consent.
That was tough viewing.
Consent is important.
Nick Cummins was clearly uncomfortable with Romy's aggression.
The fact she then played up to the other girls like they'd had this magical kiss j ust made it even worse. #TheBachelorAU
— peter k's woah woah woah (@JennaGuillaume) August 16, 2018
enthusiastic consent is always important #TheBachelorAU
— Eliza Berlage (@verbaliza) August 16, 2018
So like… that Romy* chick didn’t kiss Nick. He actually didn’t want to kiss her and she kind of forced that situation. It’s kind of mean and gross to do that and lie about it. Consent is a thing. #thebachelorAU
— Dani Davidson (@oi_itsdagnyhere) August 16, 2018
“I understand how serious consent is,” Romy told the magazine, before adding “They [the viewers] didn’t see the whole thing, and slut-shaming someone because of an action on a reality TV show was quite hurtful.”
Romy went on to say that since the episode aired she had been the victim of online bullying and threats.
When asked whether she was surprised Nick didn’t come to her defence, she replied “I don’t think he would be bothered.”
There’s obviously no love lost between the two.