20 Of The Best Memes From Week 4 Of ‘The Bachelor’
Now that the dust has settled on the “dog c**t” saga that consumed last week’s episodes of The Bachelor, this week we finally focused on what’s important: the petty drama between Sogand and Abbie.
The feud got heated as the ladies had to rank themselves according to qualities like honesty, intelligence and passion, with Abbie placing herself first for almost every attribute. The rest of the girls were less than impressed and Sogand confronted Abbie over her alleged lies.
I’m sure this isn’t the end of the drama. Let’s get into the funniest memes from the week!
The best memes from week 4 of The Bachelor:
Matt is very, very slowly morphing into Osher. #TheBachelorAU pic.twitter.com/L6JZtSEDta
— Cam Tyeson (@camtyeson) August 21, 2019
My two moods #TheBachelorAU pic.twitter.com/RcFR8ee8uc
— Kristen Amiet (@KrissiAmiet) August 21, 2019
brb getting elly’s face when abbie says she can’t lie tattooed on my back #TheBachelorAU pic.twitter.com/a8qid6tzw4
— A.H. Cayley (@ahcayley) August 22, 2019
Elly is literally a meme ? #TheBachelorAU pic.twitter.com/RW4vZmbxZc
— Gabs (@itsgabs_f) August 21, 2019
Abbie as the most honest #TheBachelorAU pic.twitter.com/533ISYxUzH
— Ella Margaret (@ellamargaret) August 21, 2019
Mary when Abbie says she like literally cannot lie #TheBachelorAU pic.twitter.com/3rF7Dsz9Eh
— Lily Cumper (@_lilycumper) August 21, 2019
The girls who already have a rose just chilling at the cocktail party like #TheBachelorAU pic.twitter.com/rJpDNiJesZ
— Lily Cumper (@_lilycumper) August 21, 2019

Via Flawlessvision
Helena walking back into the cocktail party like #TheBachelorAU pic.twitter.com/LSUMVQozoW
— Keely Willis (@keelywillis_) August 22, 2019
Not this cake? Unaustralian. #TheBachelorAU pic.twitter.com/kqWQ3NhIBM
— Nathan Sullivan (@nath_sull) August 21, 2019
— Osher Günsberg (@oshergunsberg) August 22, 2019
why are mattchelor and sogand's bff dressed like twins? #ThebachelorAU pic.twitter.com/JbFnwFpbMH
— Jessica Lynch (@jesskalynch) August 22, 2019
Osher: Kate is here get to know you all
Sogand: pic.twitter.com/RVN9AvFakt
— SalaGal (@salagal1) August 22, 2019
Brianna when she realizes they are interviewing her more than usual tonight #TheBachelorAU pic.twitter.com/EnA2nOZDyI
— Rob (@robyn56436920) August 21, 2019
I mean I'd never get picked to go on this show anyway, but this is the face I pull when anyone asks me about marriage/kids in my future, so I'd be an instant out regardless #TheBachelorAU pic.twitter.com/SRVQJ8ydF9
— Tahlia Pritchard (@Tahls) August 22, 2019