The First Teaser For S2 Of ’13 Reasons Why’ Is Here & It’s Intense As Hell
“The tapes were just the beginning,” reads the back of a polaroid photo of Hannah Baker, featured in the first teaser for season two of Netflix’s uber successful series 13 Reasons Why. It’s intense AF.
The highly anticipated taste of the follow-up season to the controversial series has all our fave characters (and Bryce) surrounded by floating polaroid photos.
All we can guess is that these photographs might be what leads the storytelling in season two, like the tapes did in the OG episodes. With Hannah appearing in a photo, this may suggest that our own Katherine Langford may return in some way.
We will have to wait and see wtf this teaser actually means but we’re sure the internet will have no shortage of theories.
Season two will launch on Netflix on 18 May, 2018.