This Video of Tara From ‘BIP’ Crying Hysterically To ‘The Notebook’ Is Too Relatable
Fulfilling the role of annoying boyfriend a lil too well, Bachelor In Paradise’s Sam posted a video he filmed of his soon-to-be-wifey Tara on Instagram, as she was hysterically crying watching The Notebook. It’s just too relatable.
Sam captioned the video with “Only days after arriving back from Fiji, I decided to have a movie night… ladies and gentleman – Tara watching the notebook… you’re welcome.”
Tara is feeling all the EMOTIONS, and it’s actually hilarious.
Check out the clip below:
While Sam might be making fun of his fiancé here, I see nothing odd. Just a human FEELING her FEELINGS. Honestly, if you can watch this movie and not cry you’re a legit monster.
Ever since the series wrapped, Sam and Tara can’t stop posting cutesy content and we will continue to eat it right up. They are actually perfection and Australia’s own royal couple IMHO.
They’re just so pure.
Their love knows no bounds.
Couple goals right here. (Feat. fellow Bachy pal Lisa Hyde.)
Oh, stop it! (Actually, pls never do.)