Drop What You’re Doing – The Second Trailer For Suicide Squad Is Here

No words. Can’t breathe. Suicide Squad trailer number two is here and it’s set to Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody *cue everyone freaking the fuck out*.
Following reports that Australia’s own Margot Robbie will take up a whole heap of prime screen-time, we now get a better glimpse of how the action will all pan out. But set your diary alerts for August 4 when this hotly anticipated blockbuster hits your cinema screens. Strap yourselves in for a gruelling, teased out wait ☹️
We're bad guys. It's what we do. WATCH the new trailer for #SuicideSquad now.https://t.co/v96bE89U16
— Suicide Squad (@SuicideSquadWB) January 20, 2016
If you’ve been living under a rock and somehow missed trailer number one… watch it below: