6 Student Discounts That Will Save You When You’re Dead Broke

Brought to you by Vodafone

Students save big time with Vodafone’s student offers.

After enjoying a long, indulgent summer holiday, many of us are heading back to school feeling a little strapped for cash. Or A LOT strapped for cash, tbh.

Jumping back into that student life always seems to be a serious killer when it comes to the bank balance. Maybe it’s the many, many textbooks (that are almost always ‘coincidentally’ written by the lecturer), or constantly buying lunch and so. much. coffee.

Which is why we need, and deserve student discounts. So, we’ve rounded up the greatest student savings hacks to help you get by when you’re feeling broke.

#1 Fight for your right to cheaper exercise

Really take advantage of this time in your life when exercise is cheaper. Many of the big chain gyms have lit student deals, and even some of those cult fitness classes have up to 30% off their memberships for students.. Not every gym is forthcoming with such discounts, so you need might need to ask around to score a good deal.

#2 Eat cheap

Say it with me, “I am merely a humble student with minimal cash flow and I deserve discounted food”. Let this be our motto and anthem as we seek out anywhere that is willing to give us a cheaper deal on snacks.

Flashing your student card can hook you up with HEAPS of meal discounts. Whether it’s grocery shopping or a food court run, there’s always a cheaper feed on the horizon.

#3 Get around a phone plan that understands your needs

Let’s be real — we’re basically attached to our phones most of our waking hours. We text a lot and need loads of data, all for a great price!

Luckily there are some sweet discounts available for students on mobile phone plans. When you’re spending less on your phone plan, you can spend more on your social life. Plus with no lock-in contracts on some phone plans, you get that sweet, sweet freedom and flexibility you need.

#4 Student. Movie. Tix.

Ah yes, the crowd favourite – the cheap student movie ticket. But beware, not all student tickets are created equally. Some cinemas might fang you a $17 ticket (OUCH), while others (usually indie cinemas) offer single-digit tickets early in the week. Choose wisely.

#5 Get around fresh threads for less $$$

In spite of our bank balances, rolling into this semester looking fly as hell is still a priority. Luckily, there’s a seductive world full of student discounts when you shop online. Keep an eye out for those discounts so you can be semi-broke but completely stylish at all times.

#6 Stop spending big money on textbooks

There’s something extra sour about spending huge chunks of your money on textbooks. Buy used textbooks and sell your old ones so that your reading materials don’t break the bank. Happy days.


(Lead image: Girls/HBO)

Want to get in on those student discounts for your mobile phone plan? Our mates at Vodafone have an incredible deal for students right here. Get on it.