STRAYA ALERT: Some Bloke Caught A Fish With A Fuk’n Venomous Snake In Its Mouth
Faaaark maaaate! Footage has emerged of some blokes on a fishing trip who somehow managed to catch a fish with a god-damn black snake in its mouth.
44 year-old, Andy Warton caught the 2-for-1 package when he was on a fishing trip around croc-infested Melville Island in the Tiwi Islands. He reeled in a cod and quickly realised that there was also an alive snake hiding inside its gob.
The footage has got us feeling a bit like:

Talking to The Mirror, Warton said:
“I’ve been fishing since I was six years old and fishing in Northern Australian waters since 1999 and I have never seen anything like this before
“The snake had only just been eaten as it was still partly moving despite having a big chunk of flesh out of its side.”
“When I saw this unfolding I reached for the phone and thought it was worth recording.”
Lucky he did hit record, because it makes for some pretty bizarre footage which is truly vintage Straya!