I Tried Some Weird & Wacky SodaStream Inventions & I Learned A Lot Of Lessons
If you’ve ever been asked if you want sparkling or tap water at a restaurant, you’ll know that what your waiter is really asking you is whether you’re rich or poor.
I’ve always associated sparkling water with the kind of people who don’t pay their own rent or buy expensive cheese, and it’s something I could never afford growing up. But my luck has turned around this year as I finally got my hands on a SodaStream machine. I’m sipping on bubbly water 24/7 and truly LIVING my best life.
Feeding my plants sparkling water so they know what it's like to be rich.
— Alison Leiby (@AlisonLeiby) February 26, 2016
Since owning a machine and trying out mixes for Mountain Dew, Miranda, and Pepsi, it got me thinking of SodaStream recipes that could elevate fizzy drinks to another level and I simply had to experiment.
I Tried Some Weird & Wacky SodaStream Inventions:
Mountain Dew + Coconut Water
Mountain Dew infused with coconut water sounded like a dream. I’ve only used the SodaStream with water so far and I was surprised with how bubbly the coconut water got: it became super fizzy but with added tropical coconut taste. After I poured in the Mountain Dew flavour, the coconut mixed with the citrusy notes and it tasted SO good.

This is a god-tier SodaStream invention. I’d absolutely recommend giving this a whirl.

Miranda Orange + Orange Juice
This was a bold idea: orange-flavoured orange juice. My first challenge was finding out whether orange juice gets fizzy or not. It turns out that, it does…sort of. It doesn’t get super bubbly like the coconut water did, but it does get a lighter frothiness to it and a layer of bubbles rise to the top.
It ends up looking like this:

When sipping on it, there is a subtle fizz but it’s not super bubbly. Then I added the Miranda mix, essentially adding the flavour orange to the orange juice. Orange-ception, if you will. I had high hopes!

However, it tasted super weird. The orange juice on its own was pretty strong in flavour, so the orange flavour on top of it made it overpowering. Not a fan. Too much orange. I’ve oranged out.

Pepsi + Milk
This was my most bonkers idea, so just hear me out! There’s nothing tastier than a cola spider (ice cream mixed with Pepsi or Coke) but what if we reversed the rations and instead of the cola being flavoured by creaminess, the creaminess is flavoured with cola?!
Genius, right?!

DO NOT TRY TO CARBONATE MILK. Not only did the milk bubble up so fast that it exploded all over my kitchen bench and dribbled down to the floor, but the milk got VERY foamy.
It was all frothy and as I tried to mix in the Pepsi, it didn’t really blend.

I will say, though, that it looked pretty appetising. Kind of like the foam on the top of a cappuccino.

It was truly disgusting. I probably should have googled whether milk should be carbonated.

Thankfully, I had ice cream in my freezer and could make up a mix of Pepsi to whip up an old fashioned spider. It tasted like pure joy.


So what did I learn? Coconut water and orange juice actually get pretty fizzy but when it comes to a cola spider, don’t mess with perfection.