SLIMED: Here’s What Nickelodeon’s Slime Is Made Of And It Sounds Delicious
Every kid who watched Nickelodeon back in its glory days remembers the classic slime attacks that later became one of the network’s trademarks.
The tradition of coating stars in the gooey goodness started in the 80’s and went on to more recently become a feature of the Kids Choice Awards where it’s seen stars from Demi Lovato to host John Cena coated head-to-toe.

And they don’t hold back either. Ask Katy Perry who’s copped a mouthful of the stuff:

BAM! Take that Perry!
Now Marc Summers, the host of the shows that created the gimmick, “Double Dare” and “What Would You Do?” explains how it came into existence and what is was actually made of.
According to the man himself, it started on a show called You Can’t Do That On Television. If contestants on the 80’s quiz show answered with the words “I don’t know” they were coated in colourful goo. What it tastes like, smells like, feels like you ask – well, for starters, it sounds delicious.
To get the ideal consistency, producers concocted the gooey recipe out of:
- Vanilla pudding
- Apple Sauce
- Green Food Colouring
- Oatmeal
Check him out explaining how it came to be in this video ahead of a new doco coming about Summer’s life later this year called “On Your Marc”.