Just Hear Me Out: ‘Singstar’ Needs To Come Back
In 2004, Sony released a game called SingStar on PlayStation 2. Little did anyone realise at the time, but it was soon to become the greatest video game of all time — well, maybe not all time, but there’s no denying that SingStar is amazing.
Unlike any video game that came before it, SingStar was made for all of us who owned a PlayStation but weren’t really into shooting or racing games. In Europe and Australia, SingStar was so successful that it sold 16-million copies and I know, you bought one of those copies — don’t even try to convince me otherwise.

Unfortunately, in January this year, Sony phased out SingStar from its online games offering. But, I’m here to argue that was a horrible business decision because SingStar needs to come back. And for a number of reasons.
Firstly, It Made Me Feel Like I Could Sing

As someone who loves singing, but can not sing for shit, I owe my life to SingStar. The game gave me the opportunity to sing my heart out with very little judgement. Sure, it would sometimes tell me that I sang a line “bad” but it never gave up on me. Regardless of how badly I sang, SingStar always moved on and showed me the notes of the next line without making me feel awful. So, thank you SingStar, thank you for the false sense of confidence. I will forever be grateful.
Secondly, It’s Not Like We’re Going To Karaoke Anymore

Let’s be real, you love karaoke. Every time someone suggests it, you think ‘ugh, not this again’ but as soon as you get there and have a microphone in one hand and a drink in the other, you’re hooked. Given the fact that we’re in the midst of a global pandemic, we’re not going to karaoke as much and we’re missing it. Hence, SingStar needs to come back.
Thirdly, It’s Better Than Karaoke Anyway

Actually, while we’re on the subject, I should note that SingStar is just… better than karaoke. You’re in the comfort of your own home, so you get to wear comfy clothes. It’s also significantly cheaper. And thirdly, there’s no judgement for picking lesser-known songs. And finally, SingStar plays the actual song underneath you instead of just the instrumental, so that you can stay on key easier. It’s a no-brainer, really.
Also, The Menu Sounds Are So Satisfying

If SingStar doesn’t come back, I’m going to need Apple, or whoever makes ringtones, to make the swoosh and pop sounds available for a message tone. Consider this a demand.
Not To Mention, Career Mode Is Amazing

I’m not much of a gamer, so it shouldn’t be that surprising that the only career mode that I have ever completed in any video game is SingStar. But, in fairness, it is amazing.
You play an aspiring singer who is trying to accumulate buzz in every club you perform in, in the hopes of getting a record deal. And if you meet the final challenge (which is getting 85% of the notes in the final song), you get to become a pop star!
Finally, Games Night Is The New Pub Catch-Up
Lastly, we have to note that games night is the new pub catch-up, it’s the new going out for dinner, it’s the new clubbing. There is nothing like socialising with a couple of friends for some organised fun at one of your houses. And SingStar is much more fun than Monopoly, Among Us, and Cluedo combined.

Sure, SingStar has its downsides in that it’s shockingly hard to rap, it’s very difficult to hit the note at the very start of each line, and sometimes you have to sing the backing vocals, leaving you out of breath but, all that aside, SingStar is incredible.

So, do yourself a favour, get yourself a bunch of SingStar games on eBay, whip out the PlayStation 2 at the next COVID-safe party you host, and let the good times roll!