This Single Gals Holiday Card Celebrating Pizza Is A Love Story For The Ages
The holidays aren’t happy for everyone. Often this time of year actually has the opposite effect, and brings out the loneliness that some of us feel. It doesn’t help that couples and families like to rub their happiness in our faces, the worst of which, who make their own holiday cards.
But one single gal is sayin’ a big ol’ ‘F U’ to typical holiday tropes, instead making a hilarious AF card, tracking a relationship more sacred than anything else: the relationship between a woman and her pizza. It’s a love story for the ages.
As posted on Reddit, 28-year-old Sarah Collins, going under username myredditfakename5, uploaded a Christmas card that needs to be seen. Check it out below.
The Christmas card has Sarah posing in cliched couple shots…with her pizza, including a ultrasound of pizza in her stomach, as it reads: “From my love to yours. Sarah & Pizza”. It’s just ace. She told The Huffington Post what inspired the photoshoot:
“I am single and most of my friends are married and have kids and give out cute Christmas cards each year,” Collins said.
“I wanted to show myself and my love this Christmas season,” she said, adding, “I chose pizza because it’s always answers my calls, comforts me when I need it, and gives my stomach a warm hug”.
While Sarah is open to meeting new people, nothing will change her special bond with pizza.
“I foresee that Pizza and I will be together for a long time to come. Even if I find another love I believe that pizza and I will keep an open relationship,” she said.
I think we can all agree: Pizza is love.