Sexist Double Standards Fly High As #IDumpedTaylorSwiftBecause Trends Worldwide
By now we have all heard that Taylor Swift and her beau Calvin Harris have broken up. We know as much about the details of the breakup as we should – absolutely nothing.
But the media has almost wholly decided that Harris broke up with Swift – who is “apparently” left in pieces and devastated. Geez, some of the lower forms of gutter media are even blaming the breakup on Swift dying her hair platinum blonde. Yep, that’ll do it.
As the Daily Mail asked its readers the insanely insulting question: ‘Why can’t Taylor Swift keep a man?’ while every other celebrity media outlet speculated whether Harris broke up with Swift because she wanted marriage and babies.
Because that’s all us women aspire for in life.
Are we actually in 2016 right now, or is this a bad dream? Despite contemporary media becoming more aware of ingrained misogyny, it seems Swift is a different story.
Adding to the double-standards the pop star is having to face, over the weekend there was a hashtag trending on Twitter – and it’s awful.
The hashtag #IDumpedTaylorSwiftBecause seems to just assume that Harris dumped Swift, and this is something to ridicule. It’s so funny, I forgot to laugh.
#IDumpedTaylorSwiftBecause is trending worldwide, this is truly disgusting. pic.twitter.com/4dgodbLHq1
— SELENA GOMEZ LEGION (@Sel_Legion) June 3, 2016
Of course there was no hashtag saying #IDumpedCalvinHarrisBecause. Why would there be? He’s a hot, single bachelor now; without a care in the world. Ladies, form an orderly queue.
Some people jumping on the hashtag have predictably been misogynistic dicks.
#IDumpedTaylorSwiftBecause she is money hungry and can't win anything without promoting 100 times a day
— S. (@yoncesbxtch) June 3, 2016
I thought I was going break her.
Girl needs to eat a cheeseburger or 2.— Muttley Matt 2.0 (@1CynicalCyborg) June 3, 2016
#IDumpedTaylorSwiftBecause she uses far to much makeup! pic.twitter.com/szoPqdo9pW
— Trevor Jones (@TGJones_62) June 3, 2016
But as you should know, total babes stick together and luckily the majority of the tweets for the stupid hashtag have been swamped by ladies tearing down these bonkers double standards.
#IDumpedTaylorSwiftBecause she would never date any of y'all ugly sexist pigs anyway but keep reaching
— millie (@obireys) June 3, 2016
do you all not have life because this is absolutely so low on so many levels
— m (@ReneeMeggo) June 3, 2016
This hashtag #IDumpedTaylorSwiftBecause is disgusting. You should all be ashamed of yourselves.
— Hannah (@saidswiftnow) June 3, 2016
#IDumpedTaylorSwiftBecause is trending and I'm embarrassed for the world. We all need a lesson in compassion. She's still a human being.
— Kelly Roberts (@KellyKKRoberts) June 3, 2016
she's way too classy for Basic Bitch Boys#DanaCortezShow @DanaCortez @ANGRYref @djautomatic @CD_Williams83— Heath (@hdtorch) June 3, 2016
I'm not a Swift fan but you will never see a hashtag like #IDumpedTaylorSwiftBecause about a man. This is gross. pic.twitter.com/ZLxQFQYRkR
— Raquel Willis (@RaquelWillis_) June 3, 2016
Fuck em’ Tay, shake it off.
Header via Evoke.