The ‘Schitt’s Creek’ Cast Reunited Over Zoom And, As You Could Expect, It Got Emotional
If you, like me, are craving more Schitt’s Creek content, then boy do I have a treat for you.
Sadly, it’s not a new episode or anything, but I am pleased to report that the cast of Schitt’s Creek reunited over Zoom with non-other than Star Trek’s Patrick Stewart.
In this six minute chat, Eugene Levy, Catherine O’Hara, Dan Levy, and Annie Murphy are all asked “What impression, what memory of those six years and six seasons will stay with you the longest? Which one really had an impact?” Read below to see their responses.
Check Out The Reflections From The Schitt’s Creek Cast
Dan Levy

Dan Levy couldn’t exactly pinpoint one moment, but he did reflect on what it was like starting his TV show from scratch and ensuring all the characters grew over time: “Oh goodness, I think it was a cumulative thing. For this to be my first scripted TV show and to have been surrounded by the cast and crew that we had… It will inform and it has informed the standards with which I know that I will be working towards from here on out. How to create an environment on a set that feels fun and supportive and encouraging. Making sure that you are challenging your actors, that they come back every season feeling inspired to keep going and they don’t feel like they’re just putting the old shoes back on and nothing’s really changing. It was so crucial to make sure that our actors came to work and looked at their scripts week after week and saw change and growth and excitement in who they were going to play.”
Additionally, Dan Levy credited Eugene Levy and Catherine O’Hara for the positive workplace culture on set:
“At the same time, you know, working with my dad and Catherine as the one and two on the show… and watching the respect and the humility and the grace and the skill with which they showed up to work and make everyone feel comfortable and at ease. There (were) no egos at work. We never had to contest with shouting matches and people storming offset. It was such an incubative place to work. It was such a supportive place to work and I know for a fact that that was a direct result of them setting a bar for everybody and no one could cross it.”
“For me, the great takeaway is just knowing what it’s like to be inspired every day when you come to work and hoping that I get to recreate that moving forward.”
Catherine O’Hara

Catherine O’Hara also couldn’t pinpoint a specific moment but reflected heavily on filming the final episode.
She said: “I agree with Daniel, it’s all cumulative. You know, culminating in the wedding scene in the last show, not only to see this beautiful relationship continue on such a happy note but also after playing somebody who never let go of the desire to get out of this town… To look around as Moira and myself, and realise ‘oh my lord how much I’m going to miss all of you’ and I do.”
Annie Murphy

“Oh Catherine’s having a cry, OK good,” Annie utters as she struggles to quickly serve up an answer. Similarly, Annie Murphy reflects on a moment from the final episode, aka the final shot, she filmed: “I mean so many moments over those six years will stay with me forever but, I think our last day of shooting will be something that flashes before my eyes as I’m dying…
The scene where the kids are saying goodbye to Johnny and Moira was the last scene that Dan and I ever shot on the show and I think it was a very large realisation that not only were we saying goodbye to these characters who have just been so mesmerised over my time on the show, but saying goodbye to very good friends and just being surrounded by this crew and (the) wonderful cast of characters that I’ve grown to love so deeply over the years. And I miss them all very much too.”
Eugene Levy

Eugene, perhaps as expected, also reflected on the final season: “Well, coming to a close on the last season was really kind of gut-wrenching. And those are memories that will, you know, never fade because it’s an experience. A working experience, number one, that I don’t believe I’ve had before this happened. But, show memories for me, I mean… In a very endearing and heartwarming way were all the scenes that we did as a family in the motel room are kind of the most joyous and the most memorable because we were watching each other grow from the very first show… Family growth from those beginnings to where we ended up and they pretty much all happened for us in those hotel rooms. Those scenes will always stay in the heart.”
Check out the whole video here:
For more on Schitt’s Creek, can we please reflect on ‘A Little Bit Alexis’ and how much of a bop that was…