SHOOK: It All Came Burning Down On MAFS Tonight & Twitter Is Serving Fire
Tonight’s ep of Married At First Sight. What… an… episode!
On this evening’s ep series douchebag Dean pulled a swifty, staying with Tracey and dumping his side-fling with Davina as their affair was revealed in front of the experts and the other contestants.
In a surprising change of heart, Dean said he wanted to stay with Tracey, in turn going back on the promise he made to Davina at the dinner party to write ‘leave’, because, umm, him and Tracey had sex later that night.
His story, however, about what actually went down between he and Davina was quite different to what we saw. As Davina relayed what he had been saying to her, Dean accused her of telling fibs.
Dean "no I didn't say any of that"
Roll tape please…#MAFS
— Elsie (@elsielou77) February 18, 2018
Hey Dean… #MAFS pic.twitter.com/ag1pojPFa1
— Shelly Horton ???????? (@ShellyHorton1) February 18, 2018
I love that Dean doesn’t realise / remember that the entire thing was filmed. #mafs
— Ben Shute (@Ben_Shute) February 18, 2018
“I didn’t say there’s no spark with Tracey,” Dean says. Umm, YUP HE DID.
The entire night can be summarised in two words: Dean lies. He lies, then lies, then lies some more. He lied to Tracey, to Davina, to the “experts”, and to the TV producers that have errr, been there filming the whole thing and have video evidence documenting his lies.
Dean exposed himself as an utter scumbag. After he confessed about Davina, he then presented Tracey with a new wedding ring that fits him, in some basic fuck boi stunt.
Everyone was far than thrilled at the sentiment…
This. Guy.

Nasser legit wants Dean dead.

Ashley was pleased to find a worse husband than her own.

Even Dr Love was serving stink eye.

John…err, didn’t quite follow.

Sadly enough, his lies have seemed to work on Tracey. It hurts to see but it looks like she is going to stay with him, despite what Davina told her about what he had said about leaving their marriage.
“Last night chatting with you it made me really appreciate what I have with Tracey,” he told Davina.
Translation: I HAD FUCKING UNBELIEVABLE SEX LAST NIGHT. I’m locking this shit down.
Davina and Ryan were then up and it was awkward as hell. The experts were arguably a lot tougher on Davina here than Dean, which seems all kinds of dodgy. Personally, my heart goes out to Ryan who has been totally forgotten in all this.
Either way Dean and Tracy along with Ryan and Davina will all be staying together and doing home stays this week, so this trashfire will rage on.
Obviously Twitter is absolutely on fire, taking the piss out of Dean and Davina’s affair coming crashing down:
Dean is officially the biggest douchebag in Oz.
— Michael Beveridge (@mickyb273) February 18, 2018
— Adelaide (@radelaidie) February 18, 2018
I've decided I'm going to become one of those youtubers that do Top 10 lists, my first is going to be "Top 10 Worst People on Australian Reality TV"…and Dean is all ten people on that list #MAFS
— Colonel Kickhead (@colonelkickhead) February 18, 2018
Dean is an example of the worst type of man out there. Will cheat on you and cheat on her too #douchebag #MAFS
— Amanda Novak (@Kobesmama13) February 18, 2018
We all know what 'shifted' is that Tracey let him do some crazy shit in bed last night. Dean's brain is literally in his tiny peen. #MAFS
— Rosie Waterland (@RosieWaterland) February 18, 2018
Davina met her match.
Davina trying to be innocent in front of Tracey and put it all on Dean because she has finally realised he's more of a snake than her #MAFS pic.twitter.com/oEuUE9z6Wc
— Sarah McPhee (@_SarahMcPhee) February 18, 2018
— Brontë Coy (@brontecoy) February 18, 2018
Davina coming into tonight and then finding out Dean and Tracey were intimate last night #MAFS #MAFSAU #9Married pic.twitter.com/x2r9SQJOeY
— queen g (@gemmingss) February 18, 2018
Davina: "I'm the victim here!"
Australia: "Fuck off!"#MAFS
— Jack Hammer (@JackHam38216180) February 18, 2018
When you start realising stuff #MAFS pic.twitter.com/DmTRBIhVNE
— Rebecca Brewin (@BecBrewin) February 18, 2018
#MAFS let's see Davina try to get out of this pic.twitter.com/GLAMjsX9jM
— Merryn Porter (@Merryn_Porter) February 18, 2018
We can all relate to Nasser’s reaction.
Nasser is all of Australia right now #MAFS
— caitus the tomato (@booitscaitlin) February 18, 2018
Nasser be like #MAFS pic.twitter.com/Yw24o1jjtP
— ChocolateSoldiers (@Gregoriavich) February 18, 2018
Nasser, you beautiful Egyptian angel ???? #MAFS pic.twitter.com/MEOVwp7tdx
— Julia Naughton (@JuliaNaughton) February 18, 2018
Poor Ryan did not see this coming.
Ryan heading into the commitment ceremony. #mafs pic.twitter.com/xzH55ZbomR
— Michael Beveridge (@mickyb273) February 18, 2018
Right now, tattoo regret is really setting in for poor Ryan. #MAFS
— Cathy Crawley (@cathy_crawley) February 18, 2018
#MAFS this is Ryan right now….trying to figure out what just happened ???? pic.twitter.com/zjyYMnc1bO
— Nush (@nushynush) February 18, 2018
‘Hmmm…that oyster looks pretty good right now.’ #MAFS pic.twitter.com/LJsj18qesb
— Tom Ford (@TomFord83) February 18, 2018
All in all, these people are just the worst.
Davina actually doesn’t think she’s done anything wrong here. Neither does Dean. Zero self-awareness. #MAFS
— Jayne Azzopardi (@JayneAzzo) February 18, 2018
Davina reveals the real reason she applied for #MAFS ???????? pic.twitter.com/iWBRcHULrY
— Joshua Fox (@joshua_fox) February 18, 2018
Asking Davina's opinion be like… #MAFS pic.twitter.com/wDeclJBMnU
— Mrs Giles (@mututucin) February 18, 2018
I’m comforted by the fact that no woman in Australia will ever date Dean again. #MAFS
— Jules LeFevre (@jules_lefevre) February 18, 2018