IS IT OVER? Rumours Are In Overdrive That Bachy’s Richie & Alex Have Split
All signs point to a resounding ‘yeah probs m8’. The rumour mill is powering up into overdrive with the whispers suggesting that Richie Strahan and Alex Nation have finally called it quits.
NW Magazine is claiming that a friend of Alex has confirmed that the pair broke up before the Logies last Sunday, but decided to still make an appearance as a couple.
Reportedly, it’s all been one HUGE bloody lie.

The source told NW, that the ex-lovers decided to arrive together at the Logies, to avoid the media storm. “She was heartbroken and freaking out about all the scrutiny,” the source said.
“So she and Richie made a pact to put on a united front and head to the Logies together.
“Alex is going through a really tough time right now. She really hoped this relationship was going to work. She introduced him to her son Elijah and everything.”
The mag is even saying that Alex was spotted spilling the news to last year’s ‘Bachelorette’ Georgia Love and was “bawling her eyes out on the phone” to the bachy star.
The rumours follow months of speculation, with the couple rarely seen out together in recent months. The bachy twosome have also stopped featuring on each other’s IG as often and when they do, it’s in weird AF posts like this one below:
With weird captions like, “I’m proud of how far you have come and I can’t wait to see what you do next!” – Alex emphasises ‘I’ and ‘you‘, instead of ‘we‘, which sent our overly sensitive alarm bells ringing.
The news comes off the back of the breakup of Sam Frost and Sasha Mielczarek late last year, which came soon after 2014 bachy Blake Garvey and fourth runner-up Louise Pillidge calling it quits (and their weird break up photo shoot).
The bachy machine seems to be quickly running out of steam. R.I.P true love.