RIP Gene Wilder – Willy Wonka Star Passes Away, Aged 83
Gene Wilder, star of ‘Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory’ has tragically passed away at his home in Stamford, Connecticut from complications from Alzheimer’s disease. He’ll be remembered for his creative portrayal of Wonka who elaborately encouraged kids and adults around the world to stretch their pure imagination.
In a statement, his nephew Jordan Walker-Pearlman said:
“We understand for all the emotional and physical challenges this situation presented we have been among the lucky ones – this illness-pirate, unlike in so many cases, never stole his ability to recognise those that were closest to him, nor took command of his central-gentle-life affirming core personality.
“The decision to wait until this time to disclose his condition wasn’t vanity, but more so that the countless young children that would smile or call out to him “there’s Willy Wonka,” would not have to be then exposed to an adult referencing illness or trouble and causing delight to travel to worry, disappointment or confusion. He simply couldn’t bear the idea of one less smile in the world.
“He continued to enjoy art, music, and kissing with his leading lady of the last twenty-five years, Karen. He danced down a church aisle at a wedding as parent of the groom and ring bearer, held countless afternoon movie western marathons and delighted in the the company of beloved ones.”
During his illustrious career, Gene – who was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma in 1989 – was best known for his roles in ‘The Producers‘ and ‘Blazing Saddles‘
But it was with ‘Young Frankenstein‘ where Gene particularly shined, co-penning the 1974 film with his friend Mel Brooks.
Writing a tribute on Twitter, Mel wrote: “Gene Wilder – One of the truly great talents of our time. He blessed every film we did with his magic & he blessed me with his friendship. (sic)”
Gene is survived by his wife Karen Boyer.
Celebs across the globe have paid tribute to the star on twitter this morning with both his name and #WillyWonka trending across the globe. Here are some of our favourite tweets:
Gene Wilder-One of the truly great talents of our time. He blessed every film we did with his magic & he blessed me with his friendship.
— Mel Brooks (@MelBrooks) August 29, 2016
Time is a precious thing. Never waste it. -Gene Wilder. As they say in Corsica… goodbye, friend. #RIP pic.twitter.com/YAC0DJaOrG
— Golden Globe Awards (@goldenglobes) August 29, 2016
Alzheimer's Disease took another legend from us. R.I.P. Gene Wilder and blessings to all who loved him and and cared for him.
— Maria Shriver (@mariashriver) August 29, 2016
Gene Wilder was one of the funniest and sweetest energies ever to take a human form. If there's a heaven he has a Golden Ticket. ;^)
— Jim Carrey (@JimCarrey) August 29, 2016
Pure joy and wonder x RIP Gene Wilder x pic.twitter.com/CqtO3B0LcC
— noel fielding (@noelfielding11) August 29, 2016
R.I.P Gene Wilder. We grew up watching you all the time and you made us laugh more times than we can count…u left the world a better place.
— OneRepublic (@OneRepublic) August 29, 2016
R.I.P. Gene Wilder.
— Lewis Hamilton (@LewisHamilton) August 29, 2016
"If you want to view paradise, simply look around and view it…want to change the world? There's nothing to it." Gene Wilder RIP
— Scott Walker (@ScottWalker) August 29, 2016
Hearing the news that Gene Wilder died ruined my day…but then the thought of Oompa-Loompa pall bearers saved it.
— Joe Praino (@FixYourLife) August 29, 2016
RIP Gene Wilder, the greatest timing that ever graces the screen. Watch Blazing Saddles today… pic.twitter.com/lNsqHXlpHM
— Osher Günsberg (@oshergunsberg) August 29, 2016
Sorry to hear of Gene Wilder's passing. God bless you, Gene. pic.twitter.com/2gQ0UvEtfW
— Todd Nauck (@ToddNauck) August 29, 2016
Oh my heart. Gene Wilder is gone.
— Mark Pellegrino (@MarkRPellegrino) August 29, 2016
"We are the music makers, & we are the dreamers of the dreams." – #GeneWilder #WillyWonka pic.twitter.com/4UZiuhaB3x
— Tommie Sunshine ????✊️ (@tommiesunshine) August 29, 2016
Rest in Peace to #WillyWonka star Gene Wilder, who passed away today at age 83 pic.twitter.com/c8uioTtyco
— Karen Civil (@KarenCivil) August 29, 2016
Gene Wilder. One of my favorites. He just understood comedy on a whole other level. Even when he was alive his legacy was felt. Thanks Gene!
— Darren Criss (@DarrenCriss) August 29, 2016