Richie & Alex Have Spoken Out For The First Time Since The Bachelor Finale
Well, to say it’s been a big night is a fair understatement…
In the wake of The Bachelor finale, the internet has been broken, after Richie Strahan ignored his mother’s advice and chose Alex Nation over Nikki Gogan… (it still hurts ?)
At the show’s conclusion, the interwebs were flooded with dissatisfied fans, who vented their anger towards Richie’s decision (and his lame ‘commitment ring)’.
Among the mixed (but mostly overwhelmingly negative) reactions online, The Bachelor Australia have shared a video message from the happy couple online, who’ve thanked fans for all their errr… “love and support”
On another relevant note, Alex has just re-activated her Instagram account and it’s only a matter of time until we all see some gooey, intimate couple shots surface… get the bucket ready!