PSA: Today Is The Last Day To Enrol To Vote In The Federal Election
Words by Nathan Robertson
Smell that? That’s the smell of snags wafting through the AIR after you partook in a truly magnificent phenomenon – democracy. That’s right, in case you weren’t already aware an election is just over the horizon and if you want to be invited to the party you better make sure you are enrolled.
In Australia, voting is compulsory. That means every citizen has the right to vote for who they want and help shape what our country looks like. However, in order to be able to vote, you need to enrol by 8pm tonight.
Around 18% of 18-24 year olds are estimated to be missing from the electoral roll. We have an important voice and could decide the outcome of the election. If you think you might be one of them today is the last chance to get it all sorted and enrol to vote.
But you are wondering, why should I enrol to vote?
1. Keep the bastards honest!
You get to have a say on who governs the country and what direction Australia goes. You also get bragging rights if a sucky candidate gets up that you opposed.

2. Compulsory system
The laws the law you know? If you are an Aussie citizen aged 18 years or older you are required to enrol and vote. This also means that the results reflect what the people really wanted.
3. Democracy sausages!
That feeling after filling out the ballot and knowing that you can go get yourself a delicious snack to celebrate the election season being over once more.

So get yourself on over to the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) website http://www.aec.gov.au/enrol/ and get your details updated by 8pm TONIGHT!!! Don’t miss out on having your say.
ENROL TO VOTE BY VISTING http://www.aec.gov.au/enrol/