American Poll Votes Tyrion Lannister As President Over Hillary Clinton And Donald Trump
Who better to be appointed as the leader of the free world, than the master of coin and hand of the king himself- Tyrion Lannister?
Americans are asking as much, as a Washington Post poll concluded that survey participants would choose Game of Thrones’ anti-hero Tyrion as president over Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump. We’re really not that surprised.

The survey asked 2,045 respondents to choose a president from the presidential candidates still in the running, with the specific Game of Thrones poll presenting alternative presidents Tyrion, sister Cersei Lannister, and the queen of dragons herself Daenerys Targaryen.
With only Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders receiving as many votes as Tyrion, Clinton had 20 percent and Trump a mere seven percent of the vote.

One thing the liberal and conservative sides could agree on, is they would rather have Tyrion as president, then either parties leading candidate.
You have our vote, Tyrion!