A Petition Exists To Make Ultimate Bae Louis Theroux UK’s Next PM & He’s Got Our Vote
The UK prepares to head to the polling booths three years ahead of schedule, after a bombshell snap election was announced by current PM Theresa May. While most assume May has it in the bag – obvs choosing an ASAP election date amid sky high approval ratings – there could be a wild card on its way to ruffle some feathers.
A lol-worthy option has been presented by a petition created by website Konbini, putting forward documentary-maker and ultimate dream bae Louis Theroux as PM material.

The petition is growing by the second and getting v. close to reaching its target of 5K signatures. The argument for the change in post-Brexit PM says:
“Since the EU referendum in Britain, politicians, experts and those with the country in their hands have failed to show they are capable of leading the nation during this complex time,” the Change.org petition reads.
“We call on the government to accept that the only right thing to do is appoint presenter, documentary maker and national treasure Louis Theroux as the next prime minister. As one of the most understanding, smart and trusted men in the UK.”
Comments on the petition itself include, “there is no greater man”, “because its[sic] Louis,” as well as, “Louis is bae” – so at least there’s some solid reasoning being presented.
The petition concludes with this gem: “if he fails, at least he can make a bloody good film about it (or become leader of the opposition and fire some pretty great questions around the Houses of Parliament)”.
It might be a feeble concept but what a dream…