An Expert Answers All Your Questions About Periods & Period Sex
There are some topics we all readily discuss (like reality TV and Arnott’s Shapes’ opinions) while other topics of convo can make even the biggest oversharer recoil in embarrassment.
But we reckon it’s time for real talk.
Things You Can’t Talk About On TV is a Audible Original Podcast that seeks to remove the shame and stigma around discussing health topics often seen as taboo. The podcast is hosted by journalist Shelly Horton and GP Dr Ginni Mansberg, with each episode dedicated to a taboo subject, from farting to discharge to awkward sex dilemmas. Nothing is off limits.
While Dr Mansberg and Shelly might discuss a plethora of topics in the podcast episodes, we decided it was time to narrow in on a subject we honestly don’t talk about enough: periods. The ol’ red badge of courage.

Over half of us living on this planet get periods once a month for the majority of our lives, so there’s no reason to shy away from the subject. Despite this, talking about periods freely is still awkward in some circles which means that many women, trans men, and gender-fluid people (who get periods regularly) may have questions they’re too afraid to ask…especially when it comes to period sex.
Yep, we’re going there! We chatted to Dr. Masnberg to find out the answers to some of our curliest questions.
We asked a GP all the questions about periods (and period sex) that you may have thought about but were too scared to ask:
How much blood is too much blood during your period?
Basically, over 80mls per period is too much. Normal is 10-60mls and the average is 30mls. If you don’t wear a moon cup and can’t tell how many mls you’re bleeding, assume any clots, any leaking through or having to change your tampon every hour — even just on the first sign — is a red flag to a doctor!
Is there a way to reduce a very heavy period?
So many ways but it does require a long consultation with the doctor and even some blood tests or an ultrasound before we come up with the right solution for you!

Is it bad to use the pill to stop getting your period?
If you mean skipping “periods” on your pill, the answer is nope. But lots of women can only do it for so long before their body just gives them a breakthrough bleed at a time of its choosing. This can be unpredictable and annoying so lots of women chose to skip two, then have one to have the bleed at a time they can plan around.
What does it mean if my blood is brown?
This means the iron atom at the heart of the hemoglobin molecule in the red blood cell has met some oxygen. That means it’s had time to do that and the blood is a bit older. Nothing to worry about!
Do you stop bleeding when swimming in the pool?
Anecdotally yes, although the most likely thing is that the blood is simply diluted in such a large volume of water that it becomes invisible to the naked eye.
Can I lose my tampon inside me if I have long vagina?
NOPE. You can lose it temporarily if you forget to pull the string down before inserting it. Someone has to get it out for you and that someone is often your GP!

Can a tampon drop out when you’re walking?
Yes, if it’s really saturated, especially if it wasn’t inserted deeply enough.
Do people actually get toxic shock syndrome from not changing their tampon?
Very controversial. Not a lot of evidence to be honest that tampons are 100% the cause of TSS but just in case, never leave a tampon in for more than 8 hours. Less than that and it’s most likely safe!
If I accidentally sleep with a tampon in will I die?
Nope. If you only sleep 8 hours then sleep with them in every night! It’s fine. I wouldn’t intentionally go longer than that. But at the same time if you oversleep, just take it out and change it as soon as you wake up!
Are menstrual cups a healthier alternative to tampons?
Tampons are great. But lots of women prefer moon cups because they can see how much they have bled, they also like their green cred!

Is it hygienic to have sex during your period?
Yes. Hygiene issues are fine. It’s all about personal preference. Shelly and I are all in and our hubbies are fine with it. We have friends who actually gag at the thought!!
Does your period stop while you have sex?
Nope. Semen can dilute the blood!
Can you pass an STI through period blood?
Yes, you can pass it on any time!
Can you have sex while leaving your tampon in?
Not advised! Not sure it all fits in neatly.

Do orgasms actually help cramping?
No strong data on that — maybe we should start a trial?!
Do I need to bother using protection while having sex during my period?
Sadly, yes. You’d have to be seriously unlucky to get pregnant from sex during your period, but some women ovulate early in the cycle and those little hardy sperm can hang around for five days in the pelvis and as the egg appears, they’re still there!! Wear a condom!
Things You Can’t Talk About On TV is available now from Audible.