NO WAY: Osher Addresses Why Nikki Wasn’t Chosen As Australia’s Next Bachelorette
We couldn’t be more thrilled that Sophie Monk will be Australia’s next bachelorette. However, one negative is that the news confirms that last season’s ‘The Bachelor’ runner-up fave Nikki Gogan won’t get to claim the title she deserved.
Flashing back to last year, it was the tale as old as time. Boy meets girl. Boy falls in love with girl. Boy and girl go on many extravagant dates together. Until boy bumps his head/gets confused and chooses wrong girl in the end.
Silly boy Richie picking Alex in the bachy finale was the shake-up that smashed hearts around the nation. After such an unjust ending, we all hoped and prayed that Nikki would get her revenge own chance at love. Surely, she was the obvious pick for the next bachelorette.

Now the bachy lord himself Osher Gunsberg has addressed what went wrong for Nikki. In an interview with Yahoo! he alluded that Richie’s ex bae wasn’t that keen on the gig.
“You’re assuming that she wanted to do it,” Osher said.
“We don’t know the answers do we? Women in our society have agency… they can do what they want. If she doesn’t want to do it, she doesn’t want to do it!”

Reading in between the lines, it sounds like Nikki was offered the bachy crown but turned it down. Luckily Monk stepped in just in time.
The rest is history and Osher said he’s stoked for our incoming celebrity single lady. “Sophie’s our Bachelorette and I couldn’t be more excited!” .
Osh said he only just found out the news and couldn’t answer whether Sophie’s series will be formatted differently to prior seasons, since you know, Sophie is fucking F.A.M.O.U.S.
“I don’t know, but I’m really excited about it. I think she’s going to be great. I got told about 12 hours ago that it was happening!” he said.
“I’ve known her [Sophie] for a long time now. And to be able to help someone that I know fall in love, that’s something really nice to go to work and do.”
We can’t bloody wait to watch!!