Melbourne Is The Most Expensive City In The World For Beer And Durries
Today, the Deutsche Bank released its annual report mapping cost of living and services in citys around the world. And its not good news for Beer swilling Melburnians.
The sport and coffee capital has retained its title as the most expensive city in the world to have fun in. Melbourne topped the ‘Sin Index’ which ranks city’s on the average cost of five pints and two packs of cigarettes for the second year in a row.
A hangover and a dry cough in Melbourne will cost you an average of $US66.90, ($92.47 AUS) compared to New York $US63 and London at $US62.20 closing out the top 5.
For all you beer and durry enthusiasts out there, Manila came in the cheapest at $US11.60 ($16.02 AUS) for a night out assaulting the body.

If you happen to splurge on a night out on the tiles in Melbourne, make sure you don’t drop or lose your phone.
Australia is the 13th most expensive country in the world to buy iPhone 6. Replacing that poor old phone you dropped in the toilet/left in a cab/spilt beer on will set you back $US707 ($9976.36 AUS) compared to $US598 ($825.51 AUS) in the U.S.A.
And if you were thinking of booking those dirt-cheap flights to Sydney think again; only Zurich ranked higher on the ‘Weekend Getaway Index’ which ranks city’s on the cost of two nights at a five-star hotel room, two serves of pub grub for two, two restaurant dinners for two, car rentals for two days, two pints of amber goodness, four litres of soft drinks or water, and a bit of shopping (a pair of jeans and a pair of runners).
All this in Sydney cost you $US2320 ($3206.83 AUS) compared to $US688 ($950.13 AUS) in Kuala Lumpur.
Its not all terrible news though, the home of laneways and cold drips did come in 18th on ‘Cheap Date Index’. Taxi rides, dinner or lunch for two at a pub or diner, soft drinks, two movie tickets and a couple of frothys will set you back $US112 ($154.81 AUS).
However if your really looking for value for money on those Tinder dates then Bangalor in India is the place to go coming in at $US42 ($57.98 AUS). For those playing the field that’s almost three dates for the price of one!
The report blames the nanny state mentality of Australian lawmakers for the high price of fun Down Under.
It doesn’t look like a night on the turps will get any cheaper so if you are inclined to have a night on the sauce, maybe do what ole mate Barnsy does and stick to cheap wine. And since its Melbourne no need to shave that three day growth either.