HAPPY MAY 8: Here Are Some Bloody Aussie Classics To Stream On This Blessed Day
Bloody oath! We almost missed it but today is the blessed day known as our unofficial Australia Day – May 8, proudly pronounced ‘MAYYYTE’. So we’re listing some Aussie-themed movies/TV shows y’all can stream to get in the spirit.
‘Cos fucking strewth mate, you can have yaself a bonza night, sinking tinnies and enjoying some true blue telly time. We’ve got a few selected for you, so it’s a piece of piss.
From classic TV faves like We Can Be Heroes and Offspring, to movies such as Mad Max and Happy Feet, there’s a lot to love about this country and this is the perf day to celebrate with everyone.
Here are some Aussie shows and movies to stream this May 8:
Can you get much more Australian than Australia? Put this in ya damper hole.
We Can Be Heroes
This show feels like it was part of the Aussie school curriculum.
Mad Max: Fury Road
Cage fighting in the desert is fun for the whole fam.
Remember when this show used to be THE BEST. Relive from season one.
The Sapphires
This movie deserves all the hype for bringing these wonderful women together in one film.
Upper Middle Bogan
This show is all of us irl.
Happy Feet
Penguins. Dancing penguins. Dancing and singing penguins. A wholesome good time.
Black Water
Happy Feet is too PG for ya? How ’bout a croc THAT’LL CONSUME YOU WHOLE.
Please Like Me
This is one of the best series Australia has ever created. Get it in ya ASAP.
All the above can be streamed via Netflix.